Path of Exile: Crucible Teasers

Is there anything changed to the anointment?

Okay, I'm not color-blind. I apology.
good job on oils, that was getting frustrating.

Innocence forgives you
Moridin79 wrote:
More of the simplest qol held hostage finally released and we should rejoice? Hardly...

Just because you can't see the other side of things, doesn't mean it not there.
blueballed fr. qq
So, no spoiler season at all this league? Huh
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
PLease, devs, please, listen to me.
The problem is not the stack limit itself, cause we know the reason behind it.
The problem is the innability of the player to extract at once X ammount of currency and deposit on the trade X ammount of currency without having to click for each stack to come to the inventory. Please, make this happen. Thanks.
I mean calling these two teasers so far QoL is a big stretch...
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
WoW, huge QoLs this league. Thats awesome (no)

Not sure that this two are even worth noticing =/
DarthSki44 wrote:
I mean calling these two teasers so far QoL is a big stretch...

Well the chaos one is a QOL if you play in trade league. Its going to have a big impact in the economy i think.

The second one with the oils is pointless.
Talk about crumbs few days before the reveal. We were waiting an extra month and it would be nice to get a bit more in these teasers/leaks.

Just a bit more to talk about and discuss.

Please GGG.

Also just FYI I had the best time in years during Sanctum league.

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