Path of Exile: Crucible Teasers

From my part I do like these new QoL, especially the Chaos Orb, which is now x2 in terms of stacks. That is HUGE if you think about and it might bring a lot of repercussion in the game economy.

In the post they made about the balance manifesto, we're gonna have more info in the reveal and the patch notes that follows, so maybe these are small teasers, but normally the big teasers follow the reveal and the patch notes.

GGG have made a LOTS of progress regarding communication and listening to what the players base want. Might not be perfect, but it can be way way worst.

In my opinion, it's gonna be another nice league. I've liked them all since I started really playing (Ultimatum, so kinda new) and yes, even the Lake league (which we shall not say out loud).
So even if the league mechanics might be not fun for some people, you can always do the content over and over, which is nice and try to learn and master a new build that you might not be comfortable. This is what I like about PoE, there's always something new to learn and to start from scratch even if it's a rinse and repeat cycle every few months!
Last edited by ImTerryFox#6948 on Mar 29, 2023, 11:32:33 AM
Anngrat wrote:
remixzwE wrote:
Hate to be that guy but these has to be the most boring teasers ive ever seen before a league and that makes me a little worried.

1 day before reveal and all we got is 2 qol changes which took probably 1 minute to implement and 1 unique item....

But i still got some hope left :p

Either it's something big, either they are like *Huh, everyone anyways gonna play D4 in june, no need to part hard efforts here, let's focus on 3.22 instead*

Well, I really hope for a good league, I skipped 3.20.

It's a bummer you skipped this league, sanctum mechanic was really fun and could probably be a standalone game. It was no 3.18, but up there with some of the best.
Excited nevertheless
Yikes. This is extremely embarrassing for you, GGG.

Taking three and a half years to put text in a box and touting it like it's a feature.

Big yikes.
the same I missed 3.20 and in reality I didn't play a lot of league I have 738 hours of games.
But I have all the possibilities of the game which allows me to switch when I'm fed up (delve, trading, contract, atlas mapping) other mechanics still escape me like the secret garden, the anointings that I've never used and surely other that I forget ^^ yes I am a noob :)
Hope GGG dont forget to buff melee skills and mechanics... when you hit a monster with an axe, fist or a sword - the monster will ALWAYS bleed or lost a bodypart. for example. And Cyclone for example can do cold dmg as well, if the areaeffect gets bigger...etc.
Minimum 123 clicks to trade for 4 divines instead of 246. Is it a buff? Sure.
Still no AH? Yikes.

This teaser isn't very...teasing...

Oh well maybe the reveal will be hype...or we'll just continue hiatus and checking this site occasionally. *shrug*
Mobile games have better trading...
Tonst3r wrote:
Still no AH? Yikes.

This teaser isn't very...teasing...

Oh well maybe the reveal will be hype...or we'll just continue hiatus and checking this site occasionally. *shrug*
AH is never coming hoho.
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Monster heat shiver buff. Also for the guys saying it’s going to change the chaos to div ratio. I don’t think they understand how economics work lol. Just because I have a wallet that can hold more dollar bills now, doesn’t increase or decrease the value of the dollar. It just means i can hold more dollars in my wallet and if it makes it easier to buy a lot of things that cost a dollar, then good for me. Lots of cry babies on here. Sheesh, it’s a free game and no one is twisting your arm to play it nor spend your money. Just be thankful. If you are gonna going to play the critic, then give your idea on an idea on how to make it better.

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