Path of Exile: Crucible Teasers

Junkie76 wrote:

Hello, if I may ask. What exactly does the 'moar' version signify?
Confront those who dare obstruct the transmission of your information with swift rejection, for they sit silently obsessing over your submission.
I'm Hyped for slayer buffs!
h_marvin wrote:
darkliself5 wrote:
GGG, camping experience is already so boring, and you make it worse and worse. And removing early QOL masteries like resistance and mana reservation efficacy is the same effect. Just think about it, most of the player hate camping experience and you make it longer. My friends that trying to play this game drop it because of this

Quite honestly, I love camping. If more players spend some time outside, maybe they would be a bit more balanced out in terms of anger management.

Quite honestly, I love camping too. If more players spent some time outside, maybe they would be a bit more balance in just blindly agreeing with whatever the dev says and use failed logic to justify whatever they are blindly supporting.

Maybe less "pog" replies that are actually way more worthless than "this thing here doth suck". At least the second thing tells you what the person doesn't like, whereas the first tells you nothing, perhaps less than nothing.
ibims111 wrote:
ebrl wrote:
Imagine how much better things would be if the game didn't need to be balanced around trade.

Imagine how much more useful replies would be if they would contain the thing disliked by the author, the reason behind it and, in case he has visited Harvard, a proposed solution for the supposed problem.

Imagine leaving such a reply when the quoted post is just the summation of thousands, if not millions, of posts and discussions the really do show how wrong (or just entirely selfish) the "never AH" or "no non-trade-balanced league" people are - whether they work for Tencent or not.
ibims111 wrote:
ebrl wrote:
Imagine how much better things would be if the game didn't need to be balanced around trade.

Imagine how much more useful replies would be if they would contain the thing disliked by the author, the reason behind it and, in case he has visited Harvard, a proposed solution for the supposed problem.

Imagine leaving such a reply when the quoted post is just the summation of thousands, if not millions, of posts and discussions the really do show how wrong (or just entirely selfish) the "never AH" or "no non-trade-balanced league" people are - whether they work for Tencent or not.

Honestly the majority of players wouldnt play if there was no trade. That is what D4 and Last Epoch is for. D4 is for people who like their games simpler and Last Epoch for people who likes their games more complex.

There is something for everybody.
ibims111 wrote:
ebrl wrote:
Imagine how much better things would be if the game didn't need to be balanced around trade.

Imagine how much more useful replies would be if they would contain the thing disliked by the author, the reason behind it and, in case he has visited Harvard, a proposed solution for the supposed problem.

Imagine leaving such a reply when the quoted post is just the summation of thousands, if not millions, of posts and discussions the really do show how wrong (or just entirely selfish) the "never AH" or "no non-trade-balanced league" people are - whether they work for Tencent or not.

13% link skill effect duration gotta be some kind of aprils fool joke... right?
yakoob wrote:
13% link skill effect duration gotta be some kind of aprils fool joke... right?

Not losing XP on death is a really big deal though. I read that and thought "fuck that is op".
Soulbound is an April fools joke.

The real ring has 900% skill effect duration for link skills so that they are actually worth using.

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