gem_mini wrote:
What about collecting high level weapon bases and then revealing the crucible trees in quarry?
Pretty obvious with 10% brain usage. Since the ilvl determines how much xp you need to unlock the tree, i'd assume you probably need multiple quarry runs to unlock the tree on a high ilvl base instead of probably 1 run of a t16 map or sth. Chris also already answered this briefly and its pretty self explaining that they dont want to have a quarry meta.
Posted byJ_Love#0714on Apr 2, 2023, 9:21:16 PM
What's the idea behind master distiller?
The bonus are not worth the trouble and spending 3 points by skills can be hard to sustain for some builds. It's such a small boost compared to the other nodes. Why would you even go with elemental damage? That 20 pen is really not enough for that class to make a difference over nature's reprisal.
Also, what's the idea with master alchemist? it completely voids master distiller by 50%? Making it even less useful.
"50% chance for Flasks you use to not consume Charges"
I see 2 possible outcomes:
1) master distiller becomes useful only 50% of the time
2) only works when "YOU use" a flask which doesn't help master distiller to regain flask charges at all.
In both case, they don't pair.
You need to boost the damage of master distiller and/or reduce the consumed charges to make it a possible option.
Last edited by Alexandra_Momo#4012 on Apr 2, 2023, 9:34:49 PM
TrappedInWraeclast wrote:
You killed Endless Heist and it was not even intended? Smthng. Care reverting this?
I, too, hope they revert Heist.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Posted byAshriel#5520on Apr 2, 2023, 9:50:36 PM
The Gain Adrenaline for 1 second when you switch stance Mastery seems too strong. Will you change it?
Oh please, leave this in for a league and then revisit it. You gave melee a buff, like we've been begging for and reddit cried because they don't know how to map things to left click. Ignoring reddit would be a good first step in improving the game.
Thorinori wrote:
innervation wrote:
I hope there is more to the combat than what is shown in the content reveal. It looks like another 'kill things in a circle league' - which can be fine. But this one looks bland.
Breach added time pressure
Ritual and Ultimatum added "arena" (2D spatial) pressure.
In-map combat of Harvest and Expedition* was pretty bland, but they were totally carried by the systems and rewards behind them which were very fun and powerful.
Will the combat in Crucible be bland, or is there something spicy about it? Not just making it '100% delirious monster' levels of difficult - but a real hook.
If bland, will the skill trees be enough to carry the league? Idk...
*I give whoever did mob design in Expedition credit; between block chance and ward and the unique spells the mages use those monsters are much more interesting than all the mobs in the base game combined.
Did you really just ask if a whole new set of skill trees that add insane amounts of power just from the previewed ones will be enough to carry a league about killing strong monsters in a circle? That's some funny shit, obviously the reward is gonna be worth it.
What's the drop rate on the powerful ones in the preview?
Posted byinnervation#4093on Apr 2, 2023, 10:16:56 PM
Rellikor wrote:
Disappointed but not surprised they purposefully created stance dancing for this patch but now are “reviewing” it because of complaints. How many times have people complained that nerfs were too heavy handed and GGG last minute decided to change it? Literally numerous concerns with other nerfs or things that were overnerfed with previous patches and their answer is always “we aren’t going to do anything about it” or “we may look into it for future patches.”
If you don’t want classes putting on stance skills just to gain adrenaline then maybe tie it to the skills that have unique interactions with stances (bladestorm, lacerate, and perforate). None of this skills are meta and would be interesting to make them powerful for a league. Or, give stance switching a longer internal cooldown that is reduced when a melee skill is used. This is a major win for melee and I suspect most of the people complaining about it feel like they’d have to put a stance skill on even though it doesn’t normally benefit their build as much as having a different skill.
There are other solutions than simply gutting the idea because Ranger meta doesn’t want to have to use reservation on something that will only give them adrenaline and have limited to no usefulness of the stance itself.
The other common complaint I’ve heard is that people don’t watch to put stance on left click like it’s some new concept being forced on them. Players already use left click for all types of skills they want to essentially auto cast… molten shell, steel skin, withering step, I could go on. Why complain now about having to map something to left click like it’s going to give you hand cramps. It’s super common to already do this.
Give 1 solitary centimeter to complain, and people will take a lightyear.
Confront those who dare obstruct the transmission of your information with swift rejection, for they sit silently obsessing over your submission.
What about the most asked question that has yet to be answered?
What is momentum and what does it do specifically???
Posted byValkaneer#5171on Apr 2, 2023, 10:59:57 PM
I see the tripling down has already begun.
So you are really ok with any build getting 10% phys reduction, 100% damage, and 20% more speed for 4 skill points.
Posted byroundishcap#0649on Apr 2, 2023, 11:19:45 PM
rip those 5 guys doing infinite heist the book was too strong also gem numbers please
Cassia supremacy
Posted byoa7x#5073on Apr 2, 2023, 11:55:08 PM
My question is can you combine lower ilvl item like 50ivl short bow (The porcupine div set) with higher ilvl bow to get better tree or just passives with higher ilvl requirement won't be able to show on your low lvl bow?
Posted byAnkhain#4404on Apr 2, 2023, 11:59:30 PM