Introducing the Crucible Mystery Box

SSF since ~OB
GGG, please make this "visual behaviour that interacts with your gameplay" toggleable. I like the design of the armor sets. But I like it clean, with no forced visual effects that should be a separate "character effect".
some stuff are nice some are .. well........ well... xD
Can we get some clarification on whether or not the aura effects can actually be equipped on other auras? There was a pretty huge patch you did some years ago that allowed all aura effects to be applied to any aura, so I have no idea why these would be specifically locked to the auras themselves, but both the page and Chris' dialogue implied such.

Also, we didn't get footage of the Kaom or Malachai finisher or other variations of certain effects - what's up with that? I'd really like to see every single option before buying anything.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Last edited by Ashriel#5520 on Apr 8, 2023, 5:50:53 PM

Ggg can you please allow Planetary Orb Belt Attachment to have the main planet even when you dont have charges?
Last edited by NoyAvargel#6918 on Apr 8, 2023, 6:03:19 PM
francorocco23 wrote:
why exactly can't the aura effects be equiped in all auras? cmon, did we got back in time? they used to be aura specific, then you made it so we could use any aura mtx on any aura, and now we are locked to use them with specific ones again, wtf

Why such a regression in Aura MTX?
In Sanctum's Mystery box there were already Aura MTXs locked to a specific skill. Very disappointing.
Why making those Aura MTXs less desirable than the old ones (not talking about the aesthetic, only about usability) ?
where is mtx for unics?

sad support pass, because no back mtx
sad kiracs vailt, because no unics and again trash treasues,what cant be purchased
sad mystery box, because no more interactive armor

only challenge reward. i like it, because u can beat him only with 8 challenges in ruthless.

maybe my opinion is incorrect and most players like new mtx)
i come from dota, where i waste more than 1k $. in your game i can be any character from dota and build any from dota. and ready for yummy mtx
you must know what poe plays dota players too and WE LOVE POE MORE THAN DOTA.

and wow players i think plays too. ruthless pretty surprise me, like souls like player.

enough long speeches. everyone loves bravity.

I hope to see something truly worthy of investing my cents in the summer. I will go through this league in a merciless mode, probably 3-4 months, without hurrying anywhere


privet vsem rabotyagi
I really expected that there would be lava things in the mystery boxes
These are tremendous. Really the best mystery box I've seen by far. Echoing a previous thought, hopefully the finishers work on minion, and I'd add mine and trap, kills from hits (not just DoTs)?
Last edited by Genstein#2693 on Apr 8, 2023, 8:46:48 PM
better then supporter packs this time and its very sadge. i don't want to play casino with these boxes

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