100purified wrote:
freakydouche wrote:
hello, first of all, really thank you for this build. the build is what i looking for a decade. :)) i tried to write so much information but in half i decided to remove them to not tire you. so, i built your build with a small budget to not being disappointed. for now:
t16's hard, i thought kb's dps so low so i got a thunderfist
bosses and some rares one shots
can't do abyss, expedition etc
could you please list what i do wrong and what should be done? i will appreciate that. and i have about 25d budget to dedicate this build. thank you in advance.
character name is: poop_sock
note: only running grace and precision right now
The survivability problem that you're facing right now is caused by no physical damage reduction at all. You need to run Determination for this build even at the cost of Grace to reduce physical damage. Well rolled flasks with %increased evasion and %increased armour will also help you survive. Also your chaos resistance is kind of low, but that's your second priority after armour. You're also not suppressing spell damage too much, you're only at 40%.
Your KB damage problem comes entirely out of no pierce - you need at least +2 pierce from your gear. This usually comes from a craft on your helmet and a eldritch prefix on your gloves. If you can't get that, then for now I advise allocating Piercing Shots on your tree. Damage of KB doesn't come from how hard the skill hits, as much as how many explosions you can overlap, and you can't really overlap any if you don't pierce your enemies.
You should fix these things and then check how will the build operate, it should be much better.
thank you.
i tried something but failed at both shaper and sirus. please note; im not killing bosses for a very long time. i'm just mf'ing. (and also i'm a dpsman which is just dpsing bosses :))))
i'm currently using this pob:
"More defensive oriented with Aul's Uprising Grace or Determination mod:
so spell suppression is 50 in this pob. the thing is im lacking something but i really can't tell.
i will switch full chaos res rings and i really don't know what to do next.
Posted byfreakydouche#2276on May 27, 2023, 5:16:53 PM
freakydouche wrote:
i will switch full chaos res rings and i really don't know what to do next.
You can try getting a collosal tower shield base for some more armour, besides that you just need to be careful. This build has the defences to comfortably get to level 100 (at least in my case), but you need to remember you're not a facetanker and need to dodge those very tough rares and endgame bosses.
Posted by100purified#0667on May 28, 2023, 3:21:13 AM
do you have any leveling pob
Posted byaaaagapito#5673on Jun 1, 2023, 5:57:26 AM
How did you spec your atlas for this build in SSF?
Did you go deep into blight for the anoint a.s.a.p or did you get the oils from Tujen/Ritual?
In general for SSF what would you prioritise for farming gear on the atlas?
Posted bythevdende#0414on Jun 1, 2023, 7:46:27 AM
thevdende wrote:
How did you spec your atlas for this build in SSF?
Did you go deep into blight for the anoint a.s.a.p or did you get the oils from Tujen/Ritual?
In general for SSF what would you prioritise for farming gear on the atlas?
I specced fully into ritual, especially the reroll nodes, so I could get my Blizzard Crown quickly. I didn't spec much into Blight, because high tier oils drop pretty often from Blighted maps, so I got my annoit pretty quick. Other than that, full Harvest + Expedition (pretty much obligatory for SSF). Standard shaper/elder/conqueror/synth map drops once you get to t16. Once I had my items I unspecced Harvest and went for Legion instead.
Posted by100purified#0667on Jun 1, 2023, 8:32:17 AM
100purified wrote:
thevdende wrote:
How did you spec your atlas for this build in SSF?
Did you go deep into blight for the anoint a.s.a.p or did you get the oils from Tujen/Ritual?
In general for SSF what would you prioritise for farming gear on the atlas?
I specced fully into ritual, especially the reroll nodes, so I could get my Blizzard Crown quickly. I didn't spec much into Blight, because high tier oils drop pretty often from Blighted maps, so I got my annoit pretty quick. Other than that, full Harvest + Expedition (pretty much obligatory for SSF). Standard shaper/elder/conqueror/synth map drops once you get to t16. Once I had my items I unspecced Harvest and went for Legion instead.
Thanks, makes sense to me :)
Posted bythevdende#0414on Jun 1, 2023, 8:46:25 AM
Hey, maybe im stupid but im just coming back to the game after a long time. But where do you get your frenzy charges from? i cant find where im supposed to get charges from
Posted byRareHaan#7869on Jun 9, 2023, 2:58:24 PM
RareHaan wrote:
Hey, maybe im stupid but im just coming back to the game after a long time. But where do you get your frenzy charges from? i cant find where im supposed to get charges from
Raider ascendancy. 20% chance for charge on kill, 20% chance for charge on hitting a rare or unique enemy.
Posted by100purified#0667on Jun 11, 2023, 10:35:26 AM
Hey do you have pob for leveling? I want to try this build on SSF for 3.22.
and Is Vengeant Cascade still good for the build? because it got changed for 3.22
Posted byIzanaginu#1409on Aug 12, 2023, 10:32:09 AM
samuelx2013 wrote:
Hey do you have pob for leveling? I want to try this build on SSF for 3.22.
and Is Vengeant Cascade still good for the build? because it got changed for 3.22
During leveling you might get really discouraged, because wanders don't really start working well until they get a bit of gear and at least level 70-75. Leaguestarting a wander in SSF is quite challenging.
I advise you to just grab all the generic damage nodes on the tree at first and level with bow skills until you get at least level 60 and a good wand.
Vengeant Cascade is not good anymore, this build will be using Wandslinger as the annointment now. We might use the new Returning Projectiles support, but it depends on the numbers of the gem. I will update the build when we get those.
Last edited by 100purified#0667 on Aug 13, 2023, 1:38:53 AM
Posted by100purified#0667on Aug 13, 2023, 1:38:17 AM