My List of the Top Merciless PVPers (Default)
*Disclaimer* These are my opinions and my experiences in default. These rankings are not in concrete as they may change over time. If you have something to add or feel that you should be on this list, feel free to PM me and PVP me. I will not make a hardcore list because I don't have a character in hardcore :) Feel free to make one and post it though! BTW, this may be somewhat biased.
Only have 10 spots atm, will create more spots when more people start to PVP. If you would like to be placed on this list, please challenge one of the players on the list and provide SS that you've beaten them. Afterwards, PM me for a match and I will place you on this list. Thanks. 10.
KocaAygir - Koca is well geared and has great burst damage for a marauder, one of the best I've seen. There are only a couple things preventing him from being better and going for the top. But his damage and survivability secures his spot on this list.
IAmFoeHammer - Hammer has a build that is near perfect for PVP. Very little weaknesses and similar to Aimless, if traps to get nerfed, he'll be virtually unstoppable.
ComfortablyHigh - Uses a lot of strategy and great tactics to outwit and beat his opponents. While this may be somewhat raged upon, it shows that he is innovative and can find out his opponents weaknesses and win with his brains. Not to mention he has top tier DPS. Only thing that's preventing him from being the best is his level.
adtr_ - This build was MADE to counter you. He has so many strengths and so little weaknesses. Even managed to beat Aimless, however due to the fact this build is not as versatile, adtr was placed a bit lower.
xDominus - God-like DPS.
AxeMarauder - Godly build. Worth of being called invincible with only one weakness.
Holy_Penguin - Cuz I'm OP l0l.
Stronkberry - Similar to Aux, only reason he's below Aux is because Aux is a bit more well geared and more experienced. Also, he has a pretty imba build against most people due to his tankiness.
AuxTheLegend - Aux has been PVPing and owning for a very long time. His unrivaled experience at PVPing gives him a distinct advantage over the rest of the competition. Always switching gear and skills depending upon the opponent, Aux is a seasoned PVPer and is one of the best. Once he gets his charges up, he will be nearly unkillable.
Aimlessgun - Aimless has one of the highest damage builds for PVP that I have ever seen. Coupled with his inherent tankiness, it is without a doubt that Aimless is a top tier PVPer. If traps get nerfed, I see no possible way for him to ever lose a match. The amazing DPS, mobility, and tankiness grants him #1 on my list of default merciless pvpers.
Relithh - OP build pls. Owns erebodee.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed my list of top tier pvpers. This is subject to change over time as I meet and pvp more and more people. If you feel that you're a good pvper but have not made this list, consider the following :
1. Have I PVP'd you? If not, PM me.
2. Is your build optimized for PVP? If it has more weaknesses than strengths, you probably will not make it to the list. 3. Do you PVP often and have a good amount of experience? 4. Do you play like a faggot and just run 24/7? If so, you're never getting on this list. Any questions, comments, or concerns? Leave some feedback. Will NOT be making a class PVP tier list. EVERY BUILD HAS A WEAKNESS. THERE IS NO DEFINITIVE BUILD THAT WILL CONQUER PVP. IF THERE WAS, GGG WOULD NERF IT TO THE GROUND. UNFINISHED : Going to be making a list of builds and counter builds to those builds soon.
Marauder Melee 2h maul marauder Builds - Tempest Shield Block Builds - Righteous Fire Tanks - Bow Marauders - Witch Dual Totem witches(Cold) - Dual Totem Witches(Fire) - Dual totem witches(Lightning) - Low life Shavvrone witches/shadows - Shadow Crit Shadows - Low life Shavvrone witches/shadows - Flicker Strike Shadows - Archers 2h sword rangers - Exploding Arrow Rangers - Duelists 2h sword duelists - Dual wield duelists - Templar Fire and bear trap templar - Culling templar - All that I can think of off the top of my head. If you know anyone with a strong build for merciless PVP that isn't on this list, PM me and let me know. Animalistic in nature, somebody help me Last edited by pianokingx3#0393 on Apr 29, 2013, 10:31:25 PM
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I like the number 4 of your rules
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Oh gawd now I feel pressure not to lose.
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" Have fun when ladder comes around. Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
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OMG, why am I not in this list?! So much hate <3
If your 4th rule really does apply, then I see about 3 people that should not be in this list! Last edited by amont0bin#0682 on Apr 16, 2013, 9:06:04 PM
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" Well I will admit you are tactically good at PVP, however I have yet to see what skill you use and your playstyle in PVP against others. As a result, I can't rank you just yet. If you do want to be ranked, you'd have to be able to beat some people on my list. EDIT ^: The difference between running around 24/7 and running as a tactical strategy is that the latter actually comes back and tries to kill you. The former just does it to force a draw in a match they know they can't win. Animalistic in nature, somebody help me Last edited by pianokingx3#0393 on Apr 16, 2013, 9:36:29 PM
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" I've beaten #9 and #5 several times (I can explain their tactics if you want) TBH, I haven't seen some of the people in your list. Probably from way different time zones. :X Also, some of the people in your list do not have Chaos resist which should be rudimentary in Merciless PVP. -_- |
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" Well I would expect a lot of people running away from you because of your build. From my experience with our few duels, I would have to keep distance at all times while having a few curses and DoTs on you. There is definitely a difference IMO. A few people in your list though, just runs away because they would die from Tempest Shield or Molten Shell. Lol. |
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" Running away from Molten is definately a tactical strategy in PVP. Running away from Tempest Shield is somewhat frowned upon since Tempest shield is nearly unbeatable anyways so theres really no point to run. Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
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They really need to implement a Spectator mode in PVP...
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