Blizzard is so out of touch with the concept of "hack and slash"

Destructodave wrote:
DarthSki44 wrote:

That was your take? That because he and his wife share a gaming hobby they both enjoy he is a weird neckbeard? Wow.

Many of his points were spot on. It got too personal and ranty at the end,true, but I suspect that's because of the frustration reading that subreddit. D4 is never going to be perfect, but to reduce it to an empty exp/hr efficiency quest, is a big mind boggler.

To each their own I suppose, but as Mr C. alluded to, there are quite literally millions enjoying D4 just fine.

Did you not see his edit?

And post is bashing non-casual players for criticizing the endgame, when he himself isnt even a casual player, on top of yes the ranting/bragging about his real life and apparently its not even a typical adult life; hes sitting at home unemployed.

In essence, he is a neckbeard.

I had not seen his edit no. I don't think losing your job after being displaced due to a war immediately puts you into neckbeard status, but ok, that is one way to go I guess.

Anyways that link was just an example of the juxtaposition currently in place within the vast amount of D4 players. Many of the most common complaints about D4 are so minor in scope (elites in dungeons and XP per hour??), that totally obscure what is good about the game.

To be fair, Reddit is just a minor snapshot though. It's clear the vast majority don't give a single fuck and are busy playing away.
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Jun 16, 2023, 10:13:11 AM
He added Ukraine in after getting lit up in the comments section for being unemployed and talking down to others.

Not even surprised he picks something like that to blame his unemployment on. Gotta keep up the struggle.

The argument isnt whether people are having fun or not. Its why so many people are shouting down criticisms on reddit, and doing it under the labels of gamer dads, real adults, and no-lifers.

Its just dumb. Who in their right mind goes out of their way to shout down complaints? Its not casual players thats for sure. They arent even on reddit. Its fake casuals, pushing toxic positivity and doing it with ad hominem "no-lifer, real adult" attacks and using the safety net of "gamer dad" to do it.

I agree with just about every complaint about the end-game in D4 atm. I've stalled out at 60 because its just not fun to do. I beat the campaign in about 11 hours. Ive probably played 30 max, if that. Am I a no lifer? I dont even have near the 100 hours this act 1 unemployed guy does, I work a full-time job, with a long-term GF(no kids; cant claim the gamer dad title, but I do have a dog!), do my complaints have more merit because I have more responsibilities than that guy? I'm more casual and a typical working adult than he is. And I think there are glaring issues with the end-game in D4.

Point is, why are any of these hyper "casuals" on reddit shouting down real complaints? Theres no reason outside of the typical fact they have already tied their identity to D4 and simply HAVE to defend the game from all criticism. They constantly admit none of it affects them; so if it doesnt affect you, why are you arguing so adamantly against the people it is affecting? Its not like Blizzard fixing it keeps you from running around in act 1 for 100 hours.

That guy literally is a no-lifer. He doesnt work, he played over 100 hours at the listing of that post, multiple hours a day. Just becuase he chose to do 100 hours in act 1 instead of NM dungeons, doesnt make him a casual, an expert, or a real adult, as he likes to claim to be. What it makes him, is a hypocrite.

Last edited by Destructodave#2478 on Jun 16, 2023, 10:37:26 AM
Isnt that the entire point though?

Hyper casuals are not on Reddit. People complaining both ways are in the EXTREME minority in this case (which is true for most games in general from a vocalization standpoint)

I'm not trying to defend this guy per se, or his life, he could be a complete asshat for all I know. What I will say is that the no-life dynamics are fucking toxic (for PoE too), and overall they are not even represented in the scope of total players. They are quite literally impossible to satisfy.

If you don't like the D4 endgame a number of days out from launch of a brand new game, before the first season has even begun, fine. Complain and then decide what you want to do. Pitchforks and denigrating casuals isnt effective imo, and the OP's thread was a response to that. What are you really hoping to happen here?

Helping folks get to level 100 faster in terms of hours doesn't solve whatever problems you think there is with an endgame loops D4 never promised to have. Which by the way you haven't even mentioned what these "glaring issues" you have are beyond "not having fun".

Maybe its an expectation issue? You are supposed to finish and be done with D4. Start a new character or just wait until S1. Idk what to tell you. D4 was developed to have an endgame, just not a forever endgame. Maybe D4 just isn't your thing right now until more things are developed. That's fine, and I'm OK with you wanting more. That doesnt make a casual player "wrong" in this context, or unable to be enjoying their time with D4.

Imo we are WAY to early in the lifespan of D4 to be making final endgame judgments after what, 30 hours or whatever you have played? That's not reasonable i dont think.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Jun 16, 2023, 10:51:35 AM
Fun fact: I can't grow a neckbeard. Tried during Covid.

Account sharing/boosting is a bannable offence. No ifs, ands, or buts. No exceptions. Not even for billionaires.

Post this sentiment publicly and see how long it lasts here.
Try harder to grow one casual. :P

I cant either. Actually not even mutton chops. Best ive done was a mediocre goatee lol
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
- Abraham Lincoln
Last edited by DarthSki44#6905 on Jun 16, 2023, 2:00:24 PM
鬼殺し wrote:
Okay so I googled the Whoopi thing. If she says she played other Diablo games on Mac and is annoyed that IV isn't, I can believe that. Who would pay her to take that stance? Seems pretty personal an opinion to me. Not like she was just shilling the game.

I might have agreed with that years ago but I've seen crypto projects paying 'normies' like one of the TV show 'shark tank' hosts to name drop them in a podcast. And it sounded a lot like what you're describing where, you know, this shark tank guy is considered a 'finance' guy so naturally the podcast hosts are gonna ask him about crypto and nfts.

And he's like 'oh, like Earth2 or something where you do virtual real estate or something? I don't really know how it works but its interesting and i've heard of people getting rich off that'.

So yeah knowing these operations I'm still 50/50 that its fake.
It's very bad. i gave up. Hellstide grinding. Omg. Cant believe they produced this kind of crap in 2023. Back to POE!
innervation wrote:
鬼殺し wrote:
Okay so I googled the Whoopi thing. If she says she played other Diablo games on Mac and is annoyed that IV isn't, I can believe that. Who would pay her to take that stance? Seems pretty personal an opinion to me. Not like she was just shilling the game.

I might have agreed with that years ago but I've seen crypto projects paying 'normies' like one of the TV show 'shark tank' hosts to name drop them in a podcast. And it sounded a lot like what you're describing where, you know, this shark tank guy is considered a 'finance' guy so naturally the podcast hosts are gonna ask him about crypto and nfts.

And he's like 'oh, like Earth2 or something where you do virtual real estate or something? I don't really know how it works but its interesting and i've heard of people getting rich off that'.

So yeah knowing these operations I'm still 50/50 that its fake.

TBF if you mean Mark Cuban and Kevin O'Leary, they were both relatively deep into the crypto stuff. Mark himself got rugpulled by Titan/IronCoin, and Kevin was vouching for some other rugpuller and got sued over it (as he's no ordinary celebrity, he touts himself as a financial expert).
witch enthusiast, send occ/ele/necro builds
heaven0777 wrote:

TBF if you mean Mark Cuban and Kevin O'Leary, they were both relatively deep into the crypto stuff. Mark himself got rugpulled by Titan/IronCoin, and Kevin was vouching for some other rugpuller and got sued over it (as he's no ordinary celebrity, he touts himself as a financial expert).

No it was one of the other guys. I searched for the vid on youtube - Kira / KiraTV but it must have been buried in one of his hundred videos on Earth2 and not the main subject.

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