3.21.2 Patch Notes (restartless)

3.21.2 Patch Notes

This patch contains further improvements to Path of Exile's engine.

Engine and Graphics Improvements

  • Replaced Path of Exile's particle system with Path of Exile 2's GPU-based system. This allows more complex effects and offloads particle calculations to the GPU, which is designed for parallel tasks like this. This will slightly improve or slightly worsen particle rendering performance depending on whether you were CPU-bound or GPU-bound before.
  • Added a new Triple-Buffering Graphics Option. Enabling this can offer better framerate stability and is recommended for slower GPUs. Double-Buffering is used when this option is Disabled, which can offer less input latency, and is recommended for faster GPUs.
  • There are now four VSync Graphics Options:
    • Off: Unlocked FPS (unchanged).
    • Locked (previously called On): FPS locked to monitor refresh rate (unchanged).
    • Fast: Performs the same as Off, but without screen tearing.
    • Adaptive: Performs the same as Locked when FPS is high, but temporarily unlocks when you have low FPS.
    • Both Fast and Adaptive fall back to Off if they are not available.

This patch was deployed without restarting the servers, so you will need to restart your client to receive the client changes. After this patch, local cached assets will be cleaned up upon launching the client.
Has any exile really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Last bumped on Dec 12, 2023, 10:43:13 PM
path of exile 2 👀
Step ??: Annul particle effects
Step ?? + 1: Slam Exalt and pray
Step ?? + 2: Apply triple buffering catalyst
The pale flame of his heart disappeared in his azure reflection.
The work of a life.
Ambitious, and unfinished.
ok I'm logging in
My client satrted the update, but can't end it. Showing this error:

"Erro: Failed writing received data to disk/application enquanto baixando https://patch.poecdn.com/"

Any help?
lagrino wrote:
My client satrted the update, but can't end it. Showing this error:

"Erro: Failed writing received data to disk/application enquanto baixando https://patch.poecdn.com/"

Any help?
Can you try to close Discord and then run the patcher again?
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Performance patch? Login.
Same error after closing discord?

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