Stuck in a loop of downloading patch content, restarting client

Same here, macbook pro 2021 M1.
Yesterday after i downloaded the 6gb patch, I was able to play the game without any noticeable problem, but today I have the same issue than you, steam is downloading some stuff before launch and I have the error message.

From what I notice on my mac, the folders that are trying to be updated with that last download are :

Bundles2 > Art > Models > Pet
Bundles2 > Art > Models > Portal
Bundles2 > Art > Textures > Monsters > Axis
Last edited by Rouflette on Jul 24, 2023, 11:57:47 AM
Same here. Macbook Pro M1
I have the same issue, infinite download loop. MacBook M2.
Appears to be just Mac's with the issue.
I have the same issue

Mac M1 Pro
Last edited by ChaosBringerX on Jul 24, 2023, 1:17:07 PM
I have the same issue. I have reinstalled steam and updated then restart my 2021 16" MB Pro, Ventura 13.4.1.

I also can't get the Steam window nor the POE window to open up correctly on my 32" external monitor. The Steam window only starts 300 pixels from the top, but I can't move the window up. I can drag the top edge to expand, but then it's like the interface no longer is accurately mapped so I can't click on anything.

I hope this helps you developers on Steam/GGG to fix this.
Mac Mini M2 Pro, same issue since the patch update.
I downloaded the Installer from POE website and its working, so opening the game via steam is the issue
I've tried on Steam. Today it's working so the game finally loading.

Thx for fix.
In case anyone else has this problem and is using the non-steam client, here's how I fixed it without having to start over on my download (I'm in a hotel right now with slow internet):

- Open
- Run the command "cd /Users/[your username]/Library/Application\ Support/Path\ of\ Exile/"
(you will need to put your own username in the [your username] portion of the command)
- If you run the command "ls", you should see a file called "Path of", that is the culprit. You can either delete the file using the command "rm Path\ of\" or if you're like me and prefer to keep it just in case, you can rename it with the command "mv Path\ of\" (or whatever name you want to give it).
- Now you should be able to run Path of from the main Applications folder again without losing data you had already downloaded.

I hope this helps someone else!
Same here. on Legion GGG coking one more time

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