3.21.2b Patch Notes

Gopstop22 wrote:
5 days away from league and no word or anything i think this is it this is gonna be the standard for PoE needing atleast 3070 or higher gpu to play on 60 fps after the patch wich made performance worse

i have 2060 and i5, runs 120 fps no issue
for everyone else with lag issues. I completely uninstalled the client, deleted all the cache folders. Double checked that my gpu drivers were up to date. Then reinstalled and swapped to directx12 renderer.

After this, I have almost no stutters / lags. I was having them constantly before.

My 4080 feels like it falls into the category of lower end hardware too...
Glisch wrote:
for everyone else with lag issues. I completely uninstalled the client, deleted all the cache folders. Double checked that my gpu drivers were up to date. Then reinstalled and swapped to directx12 renderer.

After this, I have almost no stutters / lags. I was having them constantly before.

Nice job mate!

This is what everyone in this thread should be doing.

1. uninstall poe from steam
2. delete poe folder from steam after uninstalling
3. delete poe folder from your appdate/roaming folder
4. if you have a custom setting in your gpu settings for path of exile, set it back to default > Nvidia control panel / manage 3d settings / program settings / pathofexile / Restore button on right.

^ The above are the actions i took when the patch first came out. It removed all my issues as well. There are those who have these issues with studdering and cpu usage that need to take the above steps.

GL to all
Nice job mate!

This is what everyone in this thread should be doing.

1. uninstall poe from steam
2. delete poe folder from steam after uninstalling
3. delete poe folder from your appdate/roaming folder
4. if you have a custom setting in your gpu settings for path of exile, set it back to default > Nvidia control panel / manage 3d settings / program settings / pathofexile / Restore button on right.

^ The above are the actions i took when the patch first came out. It removed all my issues as well. There are those who have these issues with studdering and cpu usage that need to take the above steps.

GL to all

Glad its helped to someone, but don't call it ultimate fix.
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