What's Been Discovered So Far?

Amazing art
Okay but has anyone actually found an Omen of Fortune?
your bones are wet
If I have Righteous Fire enabled, a monster ignites me, and then the ignite goes away, do I stop taking damage from righteous fire if I have Kaoms Binding equipped?
Gobi_Senpai wrote:
If I have Righteous Fire enabled, a monster ignites me, and then the ignite goes away, do I stop taking damage from righteous fire if I have Kaoms Binding equipped?
No. You were consistently taking burning damage from Righteous Fire the whole time, so never stopped taking burning damage - the mod on Kaom's Binding only does something if you stopped taking burning damage; i.e. you change from taking some amount of burning damage (fire damage over time) to taking 0 burning damage.
I am really enjoying the league mechanic. Its a lot of fun.

However i can barely justify doing it in my very limited playtime as there is barely any experience or rewards gained.
So i find myself barely doing it because of the overwhelming feeling i'm not spending my playtime efficiently.
Doing a single map yields more exp and rewards then 2 hours of doing this mechanic...
Title: What's been discovered so far?

In the post: we have gathered up some of the discovered items

I mean, come on...
Ahuana's Bite. Shartooth Quiver.
Brilliant! Like mother, like daughter :D
wraeclast.pl - Polish info hub
Fun Leauge is fun, also cool changes to ruthless 🙂
Terdarius wrote:
I am really enjoying the league mechanic. Its a lot of fun.

However i can barely justify doing it in my very limited playtime as there is barely any experience or rewards gained.
So i find myself barely doing it because of the overwhelming feeling i'm not spending my playtime efficiently.
Doing a single map yields more exp and rewards then 2 hours of doing this mechanic...


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