Trial of the Ancestors Content Update - New Tattoos

I am hoping that the patch these are coming with is going to address the stuttering graphics and load time issues everyone's been experiencing, and I HOPE someone is eventually going to say something about the mystery boxes, but like...the major issue here is, once again, lack of transparency and meaningful communication. I realize the convention circuit is exciting and a good way to get publicity for POE 2, but retaining your core player base is still important, right?

Over and over and over again the issues in past leagues have come down to a moment where Chris or another GGG rep has had to come out and say "I am sorry for the lack of communication, transparency is very important to us, we will do better in the future," which is great, except we just keep ending up back here, with players confused about an ongoing issue and receiving blank or unrelated commentary in return.

Tell us what's going on, please. If what's going on turns out to be that you've diverted most of your energy to POE 2, or that things got put on the back burner for the convention circuit, SAY THAT. Tell people what's going on! They might still grumble, but that's so much better and easier to work with than radio silence.
Don't you think it would be better to spend your time fixing problems with graphics and lag in map that occurred this specific league?
Great job getting new content, absolutely, but please fix existing issues first!
And no, "we're working on it" is not an answer - if you're working on it, you're not throwing new content out :)
Outstanding. That should spice things up.

Perhaps fix the scaling past 500, and lessen the 5 second stun to maybe 2 seconds to make it fairer.
and i did early this week over 120 Trails... oh GOSH i`m so angry about myself
Ever consider making League Tabs, not after, before or at launch? Another option is a Dynamic Tab that exists for Leagues only that's maybe Cheaper.

Shouldn't we get a tab for Tattoos the same time they show up in the League? I feel you're missing the market you're creating. ;)

CodeJohnny wrote:
Ever consider making League Tabs, not after, before or at launch? Another option is a Dynamic Tab that exists for Leagues only that's maybe Cheaper.

Shouldn't we get a tab for Tattoos the same time they show up in the League? I feel you're missing the market you're creating. ;)

They probably won't be around after this league so.
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Cool cool but where is the f-ing Titanic Shell fix ? It's been two freaking weeks...
nice, nice, can we get some box news plz
It's been two weeks and you still haven't fixed Titanic Shell. You could have at least disabled it if you couldn't fix it. This is atrocious.

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