time for 20% death penalty

Draegnarrr wrote:
Wladicorist1 wrote:

why the hate towards glasscanons?

Because drop rates are set by their performance (amongst other things)

so you want everything to be 20 times more expensive?
"There are Penalties in the Game, no one's complaining about them"
Chris Wilson Exilecon 2019
Wladicorist1 wrote:
Draegnarrr wrote:
Wladicorist1 wrote:

why the hate towards glasscanons?

Because drop rates are set by their performance (amongst other things)

so you want everything to be 20 times more expensive?

Care to elaborate from where you took this number?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Wladicorist1 wrote:

so you want everything to be 20 times more expensive?

That isn't what I said you need to think about the statement
Last edited by Draegnarrr on Oct 10, 2023, 1:00:30 PM
Draegnarrr wrote:
Wladicorist1 wrote:

so you want everything to be 20 times more expensive?

That isn't what I said you need to think about the statement

i know what you said
thats why i asked :D
"There are Penalties in the Game, no one's complaining about them"
Chris Wilson Exilecon 2019
Nomancs wrote:

Good one, but that will not fix glass cannons, so it would have to be global

Even 100% penalty won't stop a regular "r1ch and suxxcesful" softcore trade league player on his way to level 100 tho, as he usually just farms "money" one way or another then jumps on a train called "carry service", where his build doesn't matter at all.
"Path of Exile's engine is currently modern, lean and fast." - Chris Wilson, September 19th, 2019
Make a thread about it then if you consider it an issue. I may even jump in to support it.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
I'm surprised this thread is still ongoing...

No matter what the death penalty exp rate -- 10%, 20%, 100% -- if it doesn't include de-leveling, it will change absolutely nothing.

Those who don't care about solo leveling already don't care about the exp penalty because they use services or naturally stop at 90-95. Those that do care about leveling themselves (without carry) are not running glass cannons in the first place, or are taking other precautions.

Increasing a penalty that no one REALLY cares about outside of just minor frustrating moments is not going to change anyone's opinion of it. It's still a semi-useless penalty with a multitude of workarounds.

What we NEED is a totally different penalty system: less portals, "durability", de-leveling, etc. Only that will actually change the way people play.


who really cares? People can play however they want. I sometimes want a walking tank, or sometimes I want a screen-obliterating piece of paper. I get that the speed meta ultimately plays into the development cycle somewhat, but that opinion ignores all of the GOOD that glass cannon speed builds bring to the game.
Ex: the market wouldn't be NEARLY as filled if we didn't have speedy builds and fast clearers. There is a delicate balance between drop rates AND trade, and you really can't just willfully ignore one aspect of item acquisition.

We can totally argue what's better design: ssf drop rates, or healthy trade. But it is really really dumb to discuss "punishing" a style of play in a game that prides itself on allowing you to play however you want.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Oct 10, 2023, 2:23:06 PM
I don't know about you guys, but my lvl 100 characters are rarely dying. Certainly less often then at lvl 95. By the time we reach lvl 100 usually we have enough currency to get defences. A mapper who dies every second map isn't very efficient, right?

A bigger penalty would only change lvl 80-95 gameplay, when we're still semi-glass-canon, still poor, but we'd no longer afford to get greedy with the Exarch/EoW altar mods or Maven's Destructive Play.
Last edited by 6_din_49 on Oct 10, 2023, 3:36:16 PM
sownice wrote:
in my opinion is this thread the definition of insanity

have fun discussing, but dont forget death penalty was at 15% long time ago

Pretty much. I stopped actively playing poe shorty after div/ex swap, and by now barely play at all, lots of other top games were released last months. Just visiting to check patch notes from time to time.

And every time you remember about all those insane poe designs and player abuses going on for years, you think: "hey, could be worse, at least penalty is not 20% and ruthless creep has slowed down, no more bombs like 3.15 and 3.19. So, oughta be grateful to kind guys from GGG for being gentle in screwing you over" :)
Still! Just remove the exp penalty! Have that exp penalty to hardcore players. But for those who just want to see their characters grow in the league, have it removed.

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