bewer wrote:
The more I look at this more sad it is to me.
I'm tired of begging for obvious things "please GGG glatiator is the most iconic ascendancy for me, give him some love." "Please, i'm tired of tired of whispering 30 people to buy something, can we at least trade without having to go to someones HO?" "Please, do things that save us some clicks, with things like chance orbs, fusings, trade inventory and so on."
So you give us just a tip of things we're asking for years and just ignore the rest.
I used to love 3.13 because we could play anything we really liked and make it work decently without needing to farm the game like a job. Now either we play the you devs want us to play (with op meta stuff) or we just play a different game. How about the way I like to play the game? Skills I consider fun and enjoyable?
You just cripple our way of having fun with a lot of nerfs and give what in exchange? "Now you have this cool tools to farm your itens, its fine if you guys farm this and this for 5 hundred hours. You wont even feel nerfs"
Come on GGG... overnerfing good stuff and not even buffing dozens of skills gems that no one even remeber that exists.
I have played this game for thousands and thousands of hours in the last 6 years i'm calling it. I'm done with this game. Its sad because its the best ARPG in the market by far. But now I know how it is when devs hear what we think and value what we enjoy.
I'm unninstaling. Sadly
Exactly bro.
Old PoE idea : we can play rly all skills with different ways, peeps dont tryhard this game so much, bcs it was easier to use every skills in maps and have fun with that.
I remember 50 online members in HC guild, where we run masters daily together and share them, players help others with story bosses, many parties for lvling or DL farm. So much fun on HC league.
And daam ... that PvP in arena :D
Now : GGG nerf everything to dust. Primary fun. Everyone just run to poe ninja and copy build like .... Bcs everyone need meta build to do something. Trade is out of control, again bcs. meta builds.
Now we have nearly empty HC guild.
Everyone 50/50 play time/trade time. Logout macro, trade macro and dont know what else 3rd side sht. 0 publick parties, 0 PvP just nothing ...
GGG make from PoE second Lost Ark, where is grind just another job.
Rly sad ...
And remember what they want change with logout in PoE2 - you stay in dangerous situation :D No more port in town. Iam glad and happy fro that change.
Bcs skillers hyped for PoE2 cant more abuse this mechanic :D
And i wanna see their reactions :D
Last edited by JuldaFulda#1103 on Mar 24, 2024, 2:19:18 AM
Posted byJuldaFulda#1103on Mar 24, 2024, 2:16:13 AM
No more movement speed on ralakesh's boots? I thought we were adding QoL instead of removing it here :(
Ah well. Slower gameplay was always one of the goals I guess. Not gamebraking for my build luckely.
I do feel a lot of changes seem to balance around the meta again.
When GGG mentions in the stream the gap between normal and Uber was too big, i do feel this is mainly because Uber kills are only viable now with an hand full of meta build. So I feel the actual gap is more between the handful of meta build and the rest.
Last edited by 1869Flame#0897 on Mar 24, 2024, 3:09:09 AM
Posted by1869Flame#0897on Mar 24, 2024, 3:05:30 AM
Small suggestion for future patch notes. please make a separation between Gems and Transfigured gems. It's way too hard to read the notes like that.
.-. .. -.- ..- -.- .-.. .- -.-- - --- -.
Posted bySpecial4ce#3402on Mar 24, 2024, 4:29:57 AM
bewer wrote:
The more I look at this more sad it is to me.
I'm tired of begging for obvious things "please GGG glatiator is the most iconic ascendancy for me, give him some love." "Please, i'm tired of tired of whispering 30 people to buy something, can we at least trade without having to go to someones HO?" "Please, do things that save us some clicks, with things like chance orbs, fusings, trade inventory and so on."
So you give us just a tip of things we're asking for years and just ignore the rest.
I used to love 3.13 because we could play anything we really liked and make it work decently without needing to farm the game like a job. Now either we play the you devs want us to play (with op meta stuff) or we just play a different game. How about the way I like to play the game? Skills I consider fun and enjoyable?
You just cripple our way of having fun with a lot of nerfs and give what in exchange? "Now you have this cool tools to farm your itens, its fine if you guys farm this and this for 5 hundred hours. You wont even feel nerfs"
Come on GGG... overnerfing good stuff and not even buffing dozens of skills gems that no one even remeber that exists.
I have played this game for thousands and thousands of hours in the last 6 years i'm calling it. I'm done with this game. Its sad because its the best ARPG in the market by far. But now I know how it is when devs hear what we think and value what we enjoy.
I'm unninstaling. Sadly
Bookmarked your profile, just to see if you end up playing. ;)
Posted byFalkenRaiding#1068on Mar 24, 2024, 5:33:25 AM
couple nice changes, definitly try out new content
with all the nerfs gonna be hard to craft build who can farm t17 but thats the beauty of poe, to find a way
some of the changes are sad, like for example left mouse skill
i played it like this for 10 years, no reason to change whats working
Posted byZebedin#5037on Mar 24, 2024, 7:53:17 AM
Zebedin wrote:
couple nice changes, definitly try out new content
with all the nerfs gonna be hard to craft build who can farm t17 but thats the beauty of poe, to find a way
Is it really going to be hard? Highly doubt able with just the very minor changes and no larger adjustments to cut down the insane amount of player power. People will still crush the new maps within just a few days on a bare minimum shoelace budget.
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun.
Posted byPashid#4643on Mar 24, 2024, 10:17:36 AM
Instant Skills can no longer be bound to Left-Click.
That's sad, may you please re-think that bit? I didn't like it in D4, neither I like it here. I understand the replacement with gem, but it's only removes extra gem slot and extra button slot to use, and both of those things are limited.
Posted byMeowlock#6024on Mar 24, 2024, 10:44:09 AM
a bunch of nerfs, almost no buffs to underused skills and qol changes.
not a good patch for me. Also melee has a problem with the instant cast gem.
content seems nice but... idk if its enough for me.
Posted byDaerdarus#5496on Mar 24, 2024, 12:18:18 PM
bewer wrote:
The more I look at this more sad it is to me.
I'm tired of begging for obvious things "please GGG glatiator is the most iconic ascendancy for me, give him some love." "Please, i'm tired of tired of whispering 30 people to buy something, can we at least trade without having to go to someones HO?" "Please, do things that save us some clicks, with things like chance orbs, fusings, trade inventory and so on."
So you give us just a tip of things we're asking for years and just ignore the rest.
I used to love 3.13 because we could play anything we really liked and make it work decently without needing to farm the game like a job. Now either we play the you devs want us to play (with op meta stuff) or we just play a different game. How about the way I like to play the game? Skills I consider fun and enjoyable?
You just cripple our way of having fun with a lot of nerfs and give what in exchange? "Now you have this cool tools to farm your itens, its fine if you guys farm this and this for 5 hundred hours. You wont even feel nerfs"
Come on GGG... overnerfing good stuff and not even buffing dozens of skills gems that no one even remeber that exists.
I have played this game for thousands and thousands of hours in the last 6 years i'm calling it. I'm done with this game. Its sad because its the best ARPG in the market by far. But now I know how it is when devs hear what we think and value what we enjoy.
I'm unninstaling. Sadly
Honestly you do have so much truth in this.
I have a job and when i come home and want to relax on this game it feels like a job and i'm always frustrated by not being able to play what i actually want, wich is the Gladiator class..
It's either the meta to go fluently trough the game without hundreds of farming hours on currency or items.. Or reach basicly not much and be sattisfied with low endgame content and miss out on most of the league cause ur not viable..
Sad but true, you're one of many people stating these facts and they ignore it for years.
Posted byYowhoho#3253on Mar 24, 2024, 2:41:20 PM