3.24.0b Hotfix 2

here we go - abusers made fortune abusing poorly implemented mechanic while casual players suffer of increased prices on market. May as well go back to LE. Cheerio
What is the fault of those who do not take advantage of this and play the game properly? Many people have used mirror, you can find it on YouTube. You need to identify these people one by one and delete their currencies.

Speaking from my perspective, this is lost all my enthusiasm for the game.
The timing of April 1st just having passed is appropriate because GGG seems like a joke so far.
PoE1 Dead
PoE2 Dead on Arrival
PoEM ???????
I guess its time to quit i mean this league is trash anyways hope next league will be better
Last edited by NoooMerCy#4214 on Apr 4, 2024, 2:41:44 AM
I enjoy the lantern mechanic a lot when the game is a bit harder. I also enjoy the random slot machine of the lantern but why put Divines and Exalts as outcomes? I got one last night when the patch came out and was pretty thrilled at the moment but now when I was playing today it made me realize it took the real fun out of the game.

I had other bubblegum currency slots - including chaos and annuls - and those didnt ruin the enjoyment.

Hopefully I continue to play as I enjoy the difficulty level a bit more than usual and not the insane level it was in Affliction.
Youtube - PartTimeExile


"Remember, youre the best."
I was having a really good league, vibing, having fun, trying new atlas changes out and making some good currency.
Then I watched streamers abusing this map/div fish strat that completely devalues everything else in the game currently, should be rolled back and removed completely, change it to grave crafts that offer currency instead.
I really dont get it. Why you dont stop exploits instead of ruining the fun of everybody else. Make anything harder and less rewardable isnt gonna solve anything except high player counts... You still can brootforce divine drops... stop broot forcing, lower the amount of frogs etc. but dont touch the percentages...
Nitpick it's a "Hotfix".
Adjusting rats pack size and convert chance is quite easy server-side only.
We might get propper fix later, as people suggested with requirement to enter a map.
Developer of "Awakened PoE Trade"
GGG don't ban this account :)
Traoth wrote:
y3lw0rC wrote:
Razvan5496 wrote:
Most uniques doubled in price over night, if you didn't get hundreds of divines from the exploit you are fucked....

This is actually pretty disappointing...

I was planning to continue to play the league at a later stage, maybe few weeks in, when the stuff that was very bad or underwhelming will be ironed out, cause there were things I didn't like. Well, the usual QoL after a few weeks.

AND NOW I SEE THIS. Basically, people printed currency and gravely inflated the market, and now it's nerfed, but the DMG is done.

This league started rough, and now it completely fell with it's face into cow's shit. Just wow. First they release a product of very questionable testing and then they f*ck up the market like this :D

Lolz, haha. Maybe skip this crap.

Seems like you skipped every league cause you hardly played any of them anyways. Cause if you did you'd know the economy doesn't just stay ruined from a few people farming lol. They'll even out in a few days like it never happened. More people didn't do this than did.

Sorry to shit on your league and being unhappy with mistakes GGG made. You even had to pick on me for this reason and assume my league times.

[Removed by Support]
New mute system is terrible - no trade...
Last edited by Scott_GGG#0000 on Apr 4, 2024, 2:58:20 AM
We made a patch for Jenebu and his friends to use rats and frogs for a billion currency. And then when he gave the go-ahead, did you nerf him? Well done. And all the players suffer.
...нет, не нравится

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