lets discuss - "exploit early, exploit often" is new legit meta? or its become new rule?

TreeOfDead wrote:
Warvald wrote:
Someone in this thread missed out on the exile allflame or the divine devoted mod and is salty

with this logic everything bad can be worded with "lol u just salty that u didnt used bots, dup, cheat, etc"

so u 100% good with bots in game? bcs its also can be worded by som1 as "i dont care lol"

perfect logic! any bad can be contered by "dont care! u just salty!"

"it sounds like hes talking about me, but i ll say i m not salty to show him hes not talking about me - that will totally own him, he does not speak for me" energy
[Removed by Support]
Exsea, he didn't talk about you. But it's funny you attribute it to yourself anyway. I mean, you didn't even play Necropolis... how would you even think it was directed at you?
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Exsea, he didn't talk about you. But it's funny you attribute it to yourself anyway. I mean, you didn't even play Necropolis... how would you even think it was directed at you?

thats my bad i expected people to understand i was paraphrasing Warvald as i felt he was being salty about it

understandable that people would misunderstand that as i did not clarify

yeah its not about me and i m aware of that.
[Removed by Support]
TreeOfDead wrote:

so path of buildin is cheatin too? look: "pob are CHEATING and deserve to be banned, deleted, attacked, etc. People who create pob are specifically using outside tools to "hack" the game for their benefit. That is night-and-day difference from playing the game and using what pob offers you to improve your experience."

also what about guild stash dupin that was fixed its cheatin or not? with such logic u show guild stash dupin is NOT cheat at all

i see rly small diff betwin guild stash dupin and this leag with FULL of gamebreaker bugs/exploits that GGG created for tft and cheaters as its same result cheaters and bug/exploit abusers ruin and kill economy super very fast

Do you not understand the difference between hacking a game and utilizing a planner or 3rd party software OUTSIDE of the game? Truly? Now the points are just getting more and more outlandish and ridiculous.

Stash duping: i genuinely did not know about this and yes I would consider that CHEATING. Anything you do in the game that doesn't conform to "normal" gameplay is cheating. Creating and using a situation where items are literally copied for no reason is clearly cheating. However, crafting an item using available tools where the result is a bugged item? NOT cheating in my eyes. It is NORMAL gameplay. People KNOW that items in a stash don't just multiply on their own. People ALSO know that crafting is a core part of the game, and that NOVEL crafting is the exact main theme of the league mechanic. Therefore, results that occur against established norms are to be expected.

You appear to have a fundamental lack of understanding of three entirely separate things here: 1) in-game provided gameplay, 2) 3rd party tools used OUTSIDE of the game to assist gameplay, 3) 3rd party tools from outside the game USED INSIDE the game to alter its programming in some way.

Ex: the difference between planning a build in PoB, yet still having to execute it in-game. VS: macro following a program that would otherwise be impossible to perform without extreme difficulty with in-game tools. (In this case though I would argue that it would be better if PoB-like tools existed within the game itself, though that is entirely separate from the point of this thread)

Ex2: sitting in your hideout trading for a day using the trade site, listing, etc. vs: programming a 3rd party bot to perform all these tasks automatically for you at lightning speed while you go cook a steak.

There isn't "very little difference" between these scenarios: they are almost polar opposite scenarios in both intent and gameplay.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jun 9, 2024, 1:08:36 PM
TreeOfDead wrote:
mentos1308 wrote:

I'm certainly not mad that I didn't use some exploit hehe

I will take a break from poe for half a year

There's not much to do anyway

The game of finding exploits is not for me

SADLY GGG make more and more clear that finding exploits = game goal and they make it more and more clear to ever1

i rly miss old GGG where economy and balance was not just useless trash words with no real means at all

now economy and balance NON EXISTED from VERY VERY start and just useless words

GGG does not have a strong stance on exploits

Hmmm, they are fixing something during the league, as usual, but In this league it was such an obvious exploit with these sockets that the lack of any action on their part is very strange

Several of my friends I talked to think similarly

After the break, what will I do now from playing Poe, I will take a closer look on new leagues from the side of bugs and exploits

Then I'll think about whether it makes sense to come back at all
I wish GGG would have a zero tolerance to exploiting clearly unintended bugs (like getting more sockets than possible on items etc). If they cannot clean it up in fashionable time they need to reset the economy. If people use the exploit more than once(discovering it) they need to be banned for the rest of the season. If it is a repeat offense they need account removal. Pretty basic. It is 100% unacceptable to give in to cheaters/exploiters.

Sad days that ARPGs has become all about finding expoits use them as much and often as possible before the devs manage to patch it.
mentos1308 wrote:

Hmmm, they are fixing something during the league, as usual, but In this league it was such an obvious exploit with these sockets that the lack of any action on their part is very strange

Totally false statement. Within 2-3 days of the issue coming to light (the weekend, mind you....), they took action and removed the issue and then essentially deleted the items. Basically...they took action IMMEDIATELY against the bug the second they returned to work.

They just didn't take the action you WANTED them to, and therefore they did NOTHING.

Spreading disinformation could be considered toxic behavior.

And of course friends think similarly.....look at how you discuss this issue on the forum. If they didn't think the same as you, you wouldn't be friends anymore.

@above: these are human beings with a work schedule. They do not work 24/7, nor are they expected to work 24/7. The second they returned to the offices, the first thing they did was address this issue. I don't know how much faster they could have possibly addressed this situation?
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jun 9, 2024, 7:29:45 PM
arknath wrote:
I wish GGG would have a zero tolerance to exploiting clearly unintended bugs (like getting more sockets than possible on items etc). If they cannot clean it up in fashionable time they need to reset the economy. If people use the exploit more than once(discovering it) they need to be banned for the rest of the season. If it is a repeat offense they need account removal. Pretty basic. It is 100% unacceptable to give in to cheaters/exploiters.

Sad days that ARPGs has become all about finding expoits use them as much and often as possible before the devs manage to patch it.

jsuslak313 wrote:
mentos1308 wrote:

Hmmm, they are fixing something during the league, as usual, but In this league it was such an obvious exploit with these sockets that the lack of any action on their part is very strange

Totally false statement. Within 2-3 days of the issue coming to light (the weekend, mind you....), they took action and removed the issue and then essentially deleted the items. Basically...they took action IMMEDIATELY against the bug the second they returned to work.

They just didn't take the action you WANTED them to, and therefore they did NOTHING.

Spreading disinformation could be considered toxic behavior.

And of course friends think similarly.....look at how you discuss this issue on the forum. If they didn't think the same as you, you wouldn't be friends anymore.

@above: these are human beings with a work schedule. They do not work 24/7, nor are they expected to work 24/7. The second they returned to the offices, the first thing they did was address this issue. I don't know how much faster they could have possibly addressed this situation?

This is how GGG used to respond to problems with exploits

"20 Users Banned for Exploit Abuse
Earlier today, we learned of a bug in Ultimatum that allows players to generate excessive rewards. Shortly after its discovery, we deployed a hotfix that capped the amount of experience and items that Ultimatums could yield.

We have banned 20 accounts that abused this exploit multiple times. These bans will last until Ultimatum ends in July. We will also void the characters they made in Ultimatum so that they (and their items) will not be transferred to their parent leagues.

If you uncover an exploit in Path of Exile and abuse it for your benefit, we will ban you."
It is a bit dishonest to say that they used to deal with it that way though...

They did it once to a group to set an example and completely failed to follow up on it. There has also been a few unconfirmed cases but no mass ban or public announcement. Sure, cheaters as in botters, gold sellers(if they ever catch them xD) and people using detectable third party software, gets banned every now and then. Abusing exploits? NOPE :/ After the whole 20-man season ban thingy they just seemed to give up.
Last edited by arknath on Jun 9, 2024, 8:23:25 PM

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