Path of Exile 3.25 Expansion Timeline

When is Spell Suppression getting fix? It's not that fun once you hit the Spell Suppression wall late into maps. An item stat SHOULD NOT be required to play game content. Even Damage taken as an element is requires past a point into late game. this issue needs addressed. Seems the Devs only want to make the game hard for the top 5%.
worst league ever, nothing to do other than crafting,, hurrah like we didn't have enough crafting already.
you realize no one is playing right?
Im not gonna lie here, i did spend countless hours just afk in spreadsheets buying endless coffins from mostly afk players on pathofexile/trade, literally spamming ppl to sell me few coffins. I was crafting A LOT. Instead of playing the game for real. And dont try to tell me i didnt have to do it, because this league is about crafting. I ran few thousands of maps and encountered seer once, no divine altars or necropolis haunted perc/x weapons drop proc. Not a single one, why is it even in a game if i cannot interract with the content in 2.5 half months straight? And im playing a lot. Thats stupid. Not to see the content of the current league for once...and seer was nerfed because u didnt think it thru, so now its only makes ironic smile on ppls faces when they encounter him.

But the worst thing to me Is the implementation of necropolis ui. Im not a dev, i dont have any right to judge, but please let me tell you right now i cannot imagine anyone of you guys were testing fun that you prepared for us with necropolis crafting ui. Im having nightmares. 86 possible crafts, 64 spaces to save coffins. Meh? I had to buy 24 new stash tabs to be able to play this league and all i do for many days now is just to search thru 40 tabs, for 1-2 coffins- Terrible!

U could have been nice to us, and just let us store for example 1000 coffins in morgue, sorted by name as it currently is, no tedium, no hard times, but yet u decided to go the way you did.

This is not a rant, just a statement, i do believe the person who was working on ui for necropolis is directly responsible for weak player retention, zero fun with the league mechanic - crafting and for ppl thinking this is a very bad league. And let me say right now, this version of crafting is more powerful then harvest was, yet players hate it, compared to harvest. (And yes working with the harvest farm wasnt fun either) - that probably may already tell you something.

And the last thing.
No matter how many devs are still on poe1, one of em if there is still any at this point, which i doubt honestly, may spent his time on upgrading the ui or completely redoing it. That way at least in my eyes, the league wouldnt be such a raw and unpleasant experience.

But let me state one more thing here, your game is still the best in my opinion by a huge margin, its just the polish its currently missing.

Cheers, Kash

Kashmiro wrote:

But the worst thing to me Is the implementation of necropolis ui. Im not a dev, i dont have any right to judge, but please let me tell you right now i cannot imagine anyone of you guys were testing fun that you prepared for us with necropolis crafting ui. Im having nightmares. 86 possible crafts, 64 spaces to save coffins. Meh? I had to buy 24 new stash tabs to be able to play this league and all i do for many days now is just to search thru 40 tabs, for 1-2 coffins- Terrible!

After crafting all the gear for a single character in necropolis I gave up partially because of this: he fact that so many people FELT like they were obligated to buy more tabs just to keep up with the ammount of coffins is telling of where the priorities are for GGG, can't blame them for trying to make money for the development of both games but what we're getting in return has been often bland, which stacks with how much development effort is being tossed into the game that is not out and has been delayed several times and not on the game that is currently out and is the current and only tangible draw for players.

Not a fan of GGG manufacturing problems to sell solutions again either, specially after being called out for that kind of crappy moneygrabbing behaviour before; there's only so much "earned trust from your playerbase" (or whatever the technical term is) you can burn before it becomes a blizzard level shitshow.
did zero crafting this league outside of getting achievement, yet prolly played it the most since harbinger league. judging from the comments, i guess i'm in the minority, but had a fun time with this one!
Voidbreaker1 wrote:

Agreed, but you are also unaware that you can just set the price to 51c, if there is a pricefixer who floods the searches with 100 items worth 50c each. If you do this, then you can see the real result. A lot of people like to complain, but don't find solutions. Of course, our trading system has flaws, but you can work around it.

You know you can consolidate multiple items from the same seller on trade, right? ..... right?

That's what I'm saying...if you set the price 1c more all those guy's results will dissapear...usually they post 100 pieces at the same price and you cut those results down instantly.
Last edited by Voidbreaker1 on Jun 7, 2024, 3:10:27 AM
Airbourne13 wrote:
Talismannn wrote:
lol. FREE game. FREE expansions and yet.. people bitch and whine about timescales.

Constructive points about leagues I can understand. Devs needs feedback so they know what people like and don't like so it can be updated / altered. Constant bitching from the community however just drives them down and who wants to work in that shadow. We WANT the devs to be happy in their work so they do their best work. Kick them constantly and why should they bother about a community that does that.

yip. 4 month league before and EXPANSION. This is normal. its not a league,, its and expansion.

FREE - LOL.without money u cant compete with another players who have stash tabs. U even cant trade. Nice free, funny boy. PoE game about trade(ggg many times sayd this).
And we WANT good game(leagues) we NOT CARE about happy or not happy devs. Its theyr job, they get money for job.If they not like mark sayd "deal with it"

The only thing you need is 1 singular trade tab, that's it...You are right, you still pay, but it's so insignificant. Right now I have 6 tabs total and 1 of em is a trading one. You can play the game very well like this.
fostaa wrote:
Necropolis was too short for me.
I just didn't want another magic find - oriented league.

Good things about Necropolis:
-the league mechanic is a step forward upgrading the crafting system;
-new mods on maps is generally very welcome;
-T17 maps with interesting fights is awesome;
-loot distribution around end game bosses was kinda necessary;
-the improvement of scarabs was great;
-the rework on the atlas tree was refreshing.

Bad things about Necropolis:
-incredibly silly and sort of unfinished design of the league crafting mechanic;
-another magic find league;
-economy shifted too much (again);
-too few new transfigured gems - I genuinely expected at least 25-30 new;
-no significant ascendancy changes - people are expecting a lot here;
-melee and physical builds keep receiving 0 love;
-still no automated trading/AH;
-still many wrong tooltips among items/skills/passives, etc.;
-the "Deal with it" was a disrespectful and unintelligent slap in the face.

Finally good criticism in the comments.
Akorpz wrote:
Usually i do not post that much, but i have to throw my 2 cents. I've joined in Ritual (Maven) and what a ride it was, got me addicted to this game like no other since UO.

What I really miss is the expansions and progression backstory, we have nothing since 3.17. No lore, no story, no development, just leagues without a context and most of them don't become core in any way, why? Because they have nothing to do with the storyline (if it exists anymore?). Seems now that every league is released to be exploited in some way by streamers and organized groups, we are not all at the same level anymore when you start a new league. The feeling of an ARPG is ruined by market manipulation and MF groups exploiters (if you play trade league like most of the community).

3 months league is the right formula, you got that right in the past, reducing resources because of POE2 and not being able to fullfill the Poe2 "expansion" to be released this year, now maybe with luck, as a new game, late in 2025? Not worth it most likely, at least for the devoted fans of POE1. Of course you will get a lot of new people coming from other franchisings.

Just to finalize, there could be a lot to talk about regarding 3.24, almost everyone here or on reddit/youtube have talked about it, but end game Atlas tree was a great addition to the game, probably one of the best recently, but, adding so many scarabs ruined that IMO, you don't even need the tree anymore for most of league mechanics. There are simply too many scarabs.

Stay sane exiles.

I really liked lake of kalandra, it wasnt that big of a league but you had the chance to read a few lines of lores and interact with the figure behind the mirror. Kinda cool little thing.

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