Path of Exile 3.25 Expansion Timeline

We know that you have your hands full between POE1 and POE2. Take the time to polish 3.25, I'd personally prefer a late but great league, over a rushed and rusty league! :)
Last edited by Quintana382 on Jun 4, 2024, 6:54:55 PM
Flashback would have been cool
Quintana382 wrote:
We know that you have your hands full between POE1 and POE2. Take the time to polish 3.25, I'd personally prefer a late but great league, over a rushed and rusty league! :)

The issue is that leagues have always lasted 3 months, and we've always had good leagues. It's not like they need 4 months to make a quality league.

They are not committed to the schedule and are releasing bad leagues. It's getting hard to keep playing PoE
Bad Seed
Bunch of whining babies on here go play something else and come back later
Alan Leonardo Piovesan
Dawbra wrote:
Can you give us a battle royale mode back then?

Yes! This! With trans gems as default :D make it real interesting!

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