WHy another slow league?

Tuomari wrote:
Gopstop22 wrote:
Tuomari wrote:
To me next league seems like some ANNO game.. doesnt really fit in hack 'n slash Diablo like genre.

this isnt diablo like genre THANK GOD this is poe hack n slash genre like

The developers themselves have admitted that they heavily took inspiration from Diablo (2).

i was refering to d4 and d2 is slow compared to PoE so no idea what OP means then
I could be wrong, but I don't think they meant slow as in the pace your actually moving. More so slow in the since it takes you out of battle. Yes D2 is not a very fast paced game, but there are not really any mechanics that take you out of combat save for things like trading/gambling. But from what I've seen from their preview I'm not sure this will either unless you want it to.

But time will tell on that last part.

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