Settlers of Kalguur Challenge Rewards

I can't wait for the new league to start!
LOGIN? Are you kidding, I couldn't log out if I wanted to... I have been insanely hyped for other game launches in the past... I have never been this hyped before. Send Help. lol kidding... send divine orbs. ha ha ha
That portal....
As soon as I saw the portal in the reveal I loved it instantly and wanted to have it. Pretty much have always loved all the Kalguur-themed / blue ice winter + steel stuff / color schemes in games. Love the old Expedition portal too. Looking forward to grinding this one.

Hoping for a great league overall, have a great leaguestart everyone.
I might actually go far in the challenges this time.
Yeah same, time to push again i guess. Forgive me wife and son. Great job GGG :)
Nice rewards! 40 challenges let's GO!
Nice one's also the soundtrack is awesome
these will go pretty nice with the kalguuran runesmith armor set, 40/40 let's go!
Not bad but I really would love to see more cleaner mtx without much clutter and shiny fx. :)
Songs are like knights. They need to be covered in metal.

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