Settlers of Kalguur Launch - Live Updates 🔴

Class action lawsuits need to be a thing for issues like this in order to demand excellence
May the shwartz be with you
There is no work arround ggg we PS5 Players need your help now! it is very late here, we want to play your game
Bro, I remember one league xbox players weren't able to play till 27 hours later
Come on, ggg. Don't fumble the bag
There is crash on the coast :(
JungleREC0N wrote:
What phone app are they talking about? Anyone know?

probably xbox mobile app. but do not have any hope - it is not working.
The only way for xbox right now is to connect phisycal keyboard via usb.
A little over 7 more minutes for ps5 timer to expire. Lets see if we get our keyboard back.
C'mon. Some ppl rearranged their work schedules to just be able to play this. Waste of PTO. Doubtful I'll spend any money on this game now for a while
GGG fix yoo game pleaseee, we want to play thy game
Stop complaining people. If you took PTO from work on first day of league, its kind of your fault. This crap happens all the times in games on day 1

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