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I am posting to try and bump priority on blocked PS5 league start keyboard issues. Mobile app/physical keyboard does not solve
can't even play, just insta crash upon entering the coast :/
Pretty smooth so far. Nice work, GGG!
Stay sane, exiles!
I’m unable to name my character and have been stuck on the character select screen
Any way to know if it's a hotfix or a full blown patch/update the game for ps5. Thanks!

Pretty sure it's the later but want to verify
You and the rest of us.
Fix this console error or tell me what keyboard app to use as i am on xbox x and i have the xbox app and tried to use its keyboard as well as two others and nothing. 3hours ggg hurry up
Just complaining out of boredom and because I have nothing better to do seeing as I cleared my schedule for launch. Sooooo yeah for the 37th time. Remote play phone app or physical keyboard does not work for ps5 to name your charecter. Pretty sad but what can ya do right?
"Playstation users will unfortunately need to wait for the update to go through. We're terribly sorry for the inconvenience."
Oh so so sorry we didn't even bother to CREATE a character.... So so sorry......... Won't happen we swear..
hotfix 2, 3h into the league, still can't go past coast wp, i'm pissed

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