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Using apps for ps consoles don't work at all.
Y’all throwing a tantrum because a video game has bugs need to get some perspective. No one is going to jail or dying because you couldn’t get to level 100 in 17 hours. Maybe it’s my old man showing, but I can’t get over how bitter and entitled and, quite frankly, hysterical you sound.
This really suck not gonna lie
PublicAvenger wrote:
stopped reading there
GGG needs to fix their priorities why xbox gets the fix first when they already had a workaround.

FFS Just say PS launch day is tomorrow.
You cant there is not one single keyboard that will work with poe on any type of playstation, and its impossible to create a league character on app or phone. This is just a load of crap the keep you running in circles wasting your time. I’ve tried with every type of keyboard usable with a playstation all the way down to a chat boost keyboard, POE doesnt allow the use of a keyboard with a console account what so ever at all. I think this is intentional, probably some tip one of the GGG people got from microsoft to punish playstation or give microsoft a lead on the market. In a game like this a bug like this is unacceptable at league start as its a race to the finnish type game thus GGG has give microsoft players a huge head start on the story, game and market which its a load of crap and just goes to show console players should show GGG how they feel about that by not supporting the game at all what so ever for the entire league, once they feel the loss in their pocket maybe next time they will ensure the game start is correct and fair.
PublicAvenger wrote:
Y’all throwing a tantrum because a video game has bugs need to get some perspective. No one is going to jail or dying because you couldn’t get to level 100 in 17 hours. Maybe it’s my old man showing, but I can’t get over how bitter and entitled and, quite frankly, hysterical you sound.
. I see, your a troll, no one cares about your comment.
Nothing here on M1-M3 Macs not being able to play. Multiple threads on this in the troubleshooting section. GGG any status updates for Mac users?
Still curious when the mystery box will drop? I have some coins that I’m pretty desperate to spend, apparently.
Dramarius wrote:
You cant there is not one single keyboard that will work with poe on any type of playstation, and its impossible to create a league character on app or phone. This is just a load of crap the keep you running in circles wasting your time. I’ve tried with every type of keyboard usable with a playstation all the way down to a chat boost keyboard, POE doesnt allow the use of a keyboard with a console account what so ever at all. I think this is intentional, probably some tip one of the GGG people got from microsoft to punish playstation or give microsoft a lead on the market. In a game like this a bug like this is unacceptable at league start as its a race to the finnish type game thus GGG has give microsoft players a huge head start on the story, game and market which its a load of crap and just goes to show console players should show GGG how they feel about that by not supporting the game at all what so ever for the entire league, once they feel the loss in their pocket maybe next time they will ensure the game start is correct and fair.

This is a Playstation side problem as it only allouds you to write when your inside a text box :/ as this box doesn't open the keyboard doesn't matter

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