An Update on a Native Path of Exile Client for PlayStation 5

Alexander_GGG wrote:
Hi all.
While the PS5 native client is close to release it still should not be available. It seems like some users were able to pre-download it early. While it is possible to install it the client won't be able to login.

We'll make a proper announcement with the exact date of release when it will be fully confirmed.
Sorry about the confusion.

In other words, we can't compete with AstroBot so we delay it (even further)...
Alexander_GGG wrote:
Hi all.
While the PS5 native client is close to release it still should not be available. It seems like some users were able to pre-download it early. While it is possible to install it the client won't be able to login.

We'll make a proper announcement with the exact date of release when it will be fully confirmed.
Sorry about the confusion.

Another apology heh?

But it's okay: at this point I don't expect anything resembling competence for GGG. Just allow me to keep the current PS5 version that I just downloaded so I don't have to re-download 36 GB again...
vsoloed wrote:
PaladinZeke wrote:
The most curious thing about this is the fact that GGG sits on a hen that makes golden eggs. They just need to collect the rewards! They got this excellent game but manage to not invest enough to make serious ports for PS4 and now PS5. The biggest selling console in the entire world generation after generation. (no offense to other consoles here, don't even try)
But somehow they are so focused on PC when they should have made a parallell PSteam YEARS ago. Just think about how much money they leave on the table by tarnishing their brand like this, with inferior ports.
Even the PS4 should have had crossplay, but no, they decide to make it it's own little pond to play in. Mindblowingly dumb in hindsight.
Hopefully they get the PS5 client to work, solve all problems and add crossplay, anything less than that is missing the mark imho.
GGG really need to step up their consolegame, asap!!
But what I hear is that PC start to drop quality too as of this latest league, maybe GGG are stretching their teams too thin with both PoE and the upcoming Poe2??!

I never understood people who shout that they want a cross-platform with PC, I would also consider the option with Xbox but not with PC, and then they will shout why it is needed, there are a lot of bots there, I can’t farm anything. Have you ever wondered how many bots there are on the PC, and I’ll also see if during the cross-platform they turn off the console trade and leave it only through the website, I’ll see how the next whiners come out, or do you think if the prices are lower there, it will be easier for you to buy something? This is not logical. If something costs less, then what you sell will also be cheaper and the circle will be closed.

Not sure where you’re implying there are bots? If on PC then that is allegedly true, many players there report this issue. On Xbox however there are no bots, but plenty (as I suspect on PS as well) scammers, rmt’ers and fixers.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Last edited by Timbo Zero#8289 on Sep 6, 2024, 5:50:49 AM
PaladinZeke wrote:
Oki, ditch the crossplay then, I was thinking more longterm when PoE1 is mostly veterans because the others play PoE2 or whatever, could help with a smaller population on each platform.
But MAIN point is still the same, better and more up to date support for Playstation (and Xbox if anyone actually owns one - most seem to play Gamepass on PC according to posts on forums etc).
GGG should work at an Uberversion of PoE 1+2 for the upcoming PS5 Pro but now they play catch-up on the OG PS5. That's not how it should be to be honest.

We on Xbox have an ‘unhealthy’ player base as you do on PS. Both are similar size and small compared to PC.
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)
Alexander_GGG wrote:
Hi all.
While the PS5 native client is close to release it still should not be available. It seems like some users were able to pre-download it early. While it is possible to install it the client won't be able to login.

We'll make a proper announcement with the exact date of release when it will be fully confirmed.
Sorry about the confusion.

Think you meant *all users* were able to download early based on in-game chat and being able to download it on two separate PS5's last night.
So what's the story now?
Are you still blaming playstation?
Or are you simply not ready to allow connections to the server via the new client?
Sounds like the PS5 version is close by! Thanks for all your hard work GGG. Eager to start a second character once PS5 goes live!
WTF is even happening? I have no confidence in any kind of competence for POE2's console release. Communication has been terrible to non-existent. Rollout has been worse than your average mobile game. At least the cosmetics transfer to POE2, but I'm skeptical that will release on console in November at this point.
CAB_Life wrote:
WTF is even happening? I have no confidence in any kind of competence for POE2's console release. Communication has been terrible to non-existent. Rollout has been worse than your average mobile game. At least the cosmetics transfer to POE2, but I'm skeptical that will release on console in November at this point.

So, from my experience with this "saga" so far:

* Unknown date in early July -"some dev says on Discord that PS5 client is in the works and soon ready for certification with Sony/Playstation"

* 18th July Trailer showing PS5 client coming with the start of next League.

* 26th July Settlers Of Kalguur releases - no PS5 client in sight, radiosilence from GGG.

* 31th July Forum Update Client isn't ready for release as stated in the trailer. Several systems are remade to pass Playstations certifications. No releasedate mentioned.

* 27th August GGG shadowdrops update in this thread (page 11) and pretty much tells us it's stuck in certification for unknown time...

* 6th September (1½ month after supposed releasedate) PoE1 PS5-client releases "by mistake" but gets patched so we can't start the game.

* 6th September GGG posts "PS5 native client is close to release" Still no confirmed date from GGG is given.

So, it's been almost 2 months of waiting for a client that they lied and said "it's going to relase along the new league 26th July"....
The waiting is going on, and this League is lost for PS5 players. Not good GGG!
PaladinZeke wrote:

So, it's been almost 2 months of waiting for a client that they lied and said "it's going to relase along the new league 26th July"....

While the wait has sure been frustrating, GGG never claimed that the PS5 client would release with 3.25. When they announced it during the 3.25 showcase, they specifically said the PS5 version was "on the near horizon". So they actually never officially pushed back a date. We can only assume internal delays.

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