Maven Arena Bug

During the maven boss fight several squares of invisible walls spawned and made the boss fight almost impossible during the memory games. The invisible walls spawned after the brain spawned the random map bosses in and persisted throughout the fight. red boxes in screenshot were invisible walls .
Last bumped on Feb 17, 2025, 9:32:09 AM
I just experienced this problem as well and was able to get a clip of it recorded to show how it blocked off the arena with invisible walls and even caused Maven's nucleus to go immune.

Clip I am referring to:
Last edited by Asebenx#3423 on Jul 31, 2024, 5:54:57 PM
I had the same issue now as well, several walls after some boss was spawned in. Great that you keep breaking fights that have been working for years...
Bumping this thread for visibility as it's still not listed on the known bugs and is a MASSIVE progression issue that many players will run into, I don't see any high priority fix that is as important as this one. (except maybe the mac clients not being able to patch =*( poor mac users)
Last edited by Quiksilver_1999#4457 on Jul 31, 2024, 8:19:54 PM
Bumping aswell. I believe it stems from maven spawing the purple bear boss from Bramble VAlley which can spawn walls chich then doesnt dissapear.
Bump. Just happened to me too

for me the totem could not attack nucleus and completely bricked the fight
Happened to me as well, it seems to be related to the bear boss that spawns vines, from bramble valley,

In my run, the areas where he had spawned vines, kept acting as if the vines were still there despite the boss being despawned due to the nucleus killing him off, unsure if the problem would also happen if you killed the boss "manually".

Hope to get a fix for this soon as it does make the fight very frustrating and results in some desync of your character even on lockstep.
Just happened to me aswell.
Pink harvest bear created that gauntlet
thing just when Maven transitioned.
Got invisible walls on one side of the arena so couldent do the memory game!

Very annoying, make that bear not able to spawn or fix.
I just experienced this last night. Once the nucleus of the maven came down for the last time, it spawned 2 of the bears from the bramble valley map. That boss has a charge attack where it puts up a couple of walls, just like Sirus does. Once that phase is over the walls are supposed to just go away, however, they seemingly just turn invisible and the the collision function freaks out. You can't damage maven through the walls, but she can hurt you. It's a horrible bug that needs to be fixed asap. I'm on SSF and now it's gonna be weird trying to beat her to get my last watch stone.
Just had the same happen to me, first time ever trying Maven, random glitchy movement the whole fight. Lost all 6 portals. GG no maven for me.

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