3.25.1 Patch Notes Preview

Should make retaliation icons easier to see above players and cant be hidden by things in the area as Ive had it go behind things and cant see if retaliation skills are up having to go off the block sound.

ty for the patch buffs GGG
Good times.

Here's hoping there's excellent coffee at the office this time of day.
Gun420 wrote:
need moar gold drops, with how often these stupid map ru(i)nners die and how expensive they are to replace...

Dont run - run mappers if you out of gold.
Thats simple.
Im did so for few days, was only doing shipping, accumulated like 500k gold in town, and can run them again.
thanks for league GGG and unban me from 5 day chat restrict blessRNG (i cant sell stuff)
Last edited by furfur404#5551 on Aug 13, 2024, 5:16:05 PM
Too bad i sent my 50mil shipment yesterday, but it is what it is ^^

I'd have one question: there are few bugfixes regarding Rage - but what about the Cluster notable that is supposed to give rage on hit with sword attacks, still not applying to foiled swords?? This has been reported over 2 weeks ago already T_T
The dust change seems bad to be honest but I guess we'll see what comes back from the boats before passing judgement.
I doubt Dust rework is a buff, it's definately a nerf, now u need tens of thousands instead of 8000 for any good loot
GGG wrote:

* Fixed a bug where some players were unable to use Manage Town option from Johan.

Thank you for fixing Johan !
Rare monsters have volatile cores on t17 maps, its total sh&t, Chris try play this mods by own... Literally almost all who farm t17 can agree that this mod sucks

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