3.25.1 Patch Notes

To everyone saying the patch is actually a buff, and shipment value doesn't matter and only affects risk and other nonsense like that... You're wrong.

Without looking at shipment value AT ALL, and only factoring in resources sent vs reward received. After extensive testing; in ALL cases this patch has reduced the rewards by roughly 200% to 300% depending on what was sent and where.

Regardless of destination, regardless of investment, this patch is an absolute nerf, and a highly unnecessary one at that.

From a personal perspective, this is a big hit to GGG's reputation, as they are almost certainly completely aware of the reality of this patch, and are lying to us about it.
After deriving the formula for the new shipment value, I think the basic problem is that they didn't use someone better at math for setting up the formulae, and/or they made some very bad assumptions for the comparing what the results would be pre/post patch for rewards. Either that or they straight up lying ofc, but assuming not that it's basically some sloppy math, which isn't that surprising really; math mistakes are fairly common in games, and few people really do math well these days.

Based on what I've seen, I think the problem is that you should've used dust/non-dust goods rather than dust value/non-dust goods value. fixing that should return the multipliers to something about where they should be while having a better (fairer) scaling profile based on dust amount sent.

or otherwise made an error on some constant that should've been applied for the formula.
Last edited by zlefin_actual#4855 on Aug 14, 2024, 8:43:35 PM
Unfortunately this patch is a significant nerf and not a buff, unless you are specifically interested in runes and tattoos (and even then, not substantially different.)

It may be true that dust didn't directly increase your currency rewards but what it did was increase the overall shipment value which we can now definitively say is a factor in determining the rewards from your shipment.

To achieve the same shipment value pre-patch you now need to spend 10x more dust, or beef up the crop, or both in equal measure. That would be fine if you did that and had a shipment with, eg. 500k value crop and 500k value dust, totaling 1 million, and could some percentage of the time expect a divine orb or valuable rewards.

Instead, reaching this point doesn't have any substantial impact on rewards, you have to go well beyond that threshold to achieve consistent results similar to shipments from the previous patch.

So you're waiting for crops longer, showing all uniques to disenchant, and you're sending fewer shipments.

Feels pretty bad, I know we don't really deserve to passively make 10d per day but it was really nice to have.
This is a huge nerf.
Seriously just revert it back the way it was.
This is one of the biggest leagues we've had and was fun, now its like what's the point?
See a lot of folks crying about this buff/nerf to shipping. Multitudes more than the folks complaining about the ridiculous increase to lag. Makes me think the ones crying about the shipping changes are not actually playing or they'd be complaining about the lag, since that is far more impactful on actual gameplay.

Seriously, the game went from buttery smooth to a lag fest of death with stuttering pauses every five seconds. I personally could not care less about the impact of this stupid change to shipping. Fix the lag. Whatever tweaks your programmers made to fix things this patch, they need to get back on the ball quick and un-tweak them. The vast majority of your playerbase went from having a perfectly playable game with various minor bugs, to unplayable pile of steaming trash.

Get your act together and start acting like an actual game company. Stop worrying about and catering to a bunch of nimrods making stupid videos online or streaming their gameplay. Nevermind the need the ignore the morons that pay attention to whatever nonsense these fools create and label as content.
It's never a league without mid-league nerfs disguised as buffs.
So now that we have PoE2, GGG needs to revert the nerfs to 'slow down' PoE1.

Never forget the great Alt Qual Gem deletion, the Ex > Div swap and loss of various crafting methods. Bring back Fire Nova Mine!

Enjoy Path of Nerfs Dos!!
Still no fix for soul eater or whichever eater is - whereas they are mostly a non issues in maps, but totally break in delve.

I just love seeing one of them lion/wolf looking things make out with my totems for like 1 min straight and no damage is being taken (not a little, literally nothing) only for this to stop and they melt way 10 times faster than before the health pause.

They keyword is literally or effectively breaking in delve - seeing it is worse than any pinnacle boss experience omega kek

god bless steve for all he puts up with, or has solutions for - probably he just runs away - but sometimes us mere mortals can get trapped by that BS (or die to it or rather, other things being added to the mess if its an event at a node).

(also, sometimes nodes shower you in mobs that are incorrect - somehow its all blues who might somehow hit harder than a rare, no white and no yellow, but come back later and its all the colors of the rainbow again with sensicle damage)

Really - delve seems to be where certain mechanics break.

Shipping nerfed into the ground for sure.
Reiknar wrote:
See a lot of folks crying about this buff/nerf to shipping. Multitudes more than the folks complaining about the ridiculous increase to lag. Makes me think the ones crying about the shipping changes are not actually playing or they'd be complaining about the lag, since that is far more impactful on actual gameplay.

Seriously, the game went from buttery smooth to a lag fest of death with stuttering pauses every five seconds. I personally could not care less about the impact of this stupid change to shipping. Fix the lag. Whatever tweaks your programmers made to fix things this patch, they need to get back on the ball quick and un-tweak them. The vast majority of your playerbase went from having a perfectly playable game with various minor bugs, to unplayable pile of steaming trash.

Get your act together and start acting like an actual game company. Stop worrying about and catering to a bunch of nimrods making stupid videos online or streaming their gameplay. Nevermind the need the ignore the morons that pay attention to whatever nonsense these fools create and label as content.

This - compared to a year ago, its night and day. It can be smooth for a long while, but then suddenly your latency is up and down, and sometimes you are just kicked.

Based on the micro wait and queue that pops up afterwards, its like a few hundred people on the server just lagged out of no where for no fault of their own and immediately tried to get back on.

What is different with the server tech this year vs last?

Also, a second "this" to actually care about the game as a whole your population instead of a select few who are NOT actually most of your (potential) money earning.
Aderahl wrote:
Shipping nerfed into the ground for sure.

The called it a buff, so exactly.

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