Path of Exile 2 - Early Access Date Announcement

Will everyone be able to join, or will you select only certain people?
Super exciting. Currently have 11+ years with PoE, can't wait to spend another decade with 2.
hope it will not cook mt pc :)
Shut up and take my money! ♥ :D
This Will be My First Early Access will Created Characters be Saved or will the wipe Everything when they go Live??
An empire must be built to weather any storm. An empire should sparkle like ice upon the winter stone. Empires are forged in stone and fire. - Izaro
If this is true and beta codes have already been given out . Gonna be truly sad . Ill have to avoid all content for so long :(
Do it right from the beginning not the fucked up shit poe was in the early days.
HYPE! I can't wait.
Started playing in Ultimatum and got serious in Archnemesis.

PoE IGN: Ash_SoK
PoE2 IGN: EmilCioran_
Steam friend code: 413758162

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