Verisium ore not mineable if encounter finished too far away from vein

deathreaper80 wrote:
Verisium Ore Bugged - Possibly can't mark Verisium ore when fully charged? still bugged cant get verisium ore marked to mine it november 7th still now fix?

It is not related to fully charge or not. It is just the same old bug of this game, if you far away from the mine when killing the last monster that spawn , the completion not register. It is the same old bug as Legion bosses
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Still a problem. The ore vein gets the torches dropping around it still but doesn't get marked for mining.
I assume this just happened to me.

Is there official confirmation that this is intended? If not, I'm curious why this has not been fixed yet...
seaman#4993 wrote:
Probably intended.

Thanks for the ignorant comment GGG dev.....

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