Development Stories - Creating Settlers of Kalguur Lore

best league ever
Interesting stuff. Cheers Matt!
If you're reading this and wondering why Gwennen isnt in Kingsmarch, they did it intentionally and she has new dialogue lines telling you why. Go see her in your hideout or act 6 town.
hope it goes core in some way, else they'll be riots :)

also good to prove the anti-auction house purists wrong after all these years.
Telling indeed
Very much appreciated!
A.k.a. Sinisa / sinisasub85.
Really cool insight into the development! Look forward to seeing more advancements in the future.
Great league, i love how it fits in existing lore, i love how there is more civilization. Gold costs for workers could be around half of what they are, but i guess "perfect" is just not possible. Still probably one of my favorite leagues, if not the favorite.
It is always interesting seeing into the background and design decisions, especially for such a great league. Thanks for this!

Also, for some of the NPCs, it would be really annoying if they were randomly in the tavern instead. I could already picture the meme: 'Tujen's in the Tavern. Tujen's ALWAYS in the Tavern. But only if you go to the docks first.'

I do think this is true, and it makes me wonder what could make "finding Tujen in the tavern" a good result. Having to hunt NPCs down just for the exact same interaction would certainly be annoying. But what if it were a random town event? If you go to the docks and Tujen isn't there but is in the tavern, maybe that is because this one instance of you entering town has triggered a random, rare town event. Tujen prompts different dialogue and maybe a new encounter or mechanic. Something with a limitation to ensure players aren't incentivized to just re-enter town to try to proc it.
You guys made an amazing league and I thoroughly enjoyed playing it out to my end game goals! This league did feel more of world building than a grand quest to defeat a "big bad". This was a good approach as I have been spending a whole lot of more time in Kingsmarch than my own hideout.

On the topic of wandering NPC's, it would be great to see the NPC's in different locations to where they permanently stationed. While it would be annoying tracking them all the time, you can implement an option to have them permanently not move. Another way of doing it would be like the NPC's in Terraria. You can have them located in specific locations and have them go from their place to other locations, interact with other NPC's or objects, then have them walk back. In Terraria the NPC's are always moving around and interacting with other NPC's but they always return back to their designated housing. Kingsmarch would feel so much more lively if you guys just went for the wandering NPC's and I hope you guys at give it a shot next time.

Im looking forward to seeing more content like this in the future and in PoE2, thanks guys!

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