[PlayStation] 3.25.1 Hotfix 5, potential client stalling fixes, part 2 (restartless)


This Video helped me with almost all of my Problems with connection Problems with this Game. Till days we Play 4 Player Parties almost lag free, No DC s, everything is smooth af. And for German Player Change your console to english helped too. Cant beliebe IT AS i heard IT in Chat but this too Things helped many members from our guild. The Video is German i think sorry.

Greetings keep Up the good work
GGG from no contact to a lot of contact and small updates love it!!! keep up the great communication GGG and thanx Devs for the hard work your putting in to the overall quality of life of the game.

this is what we were asking for and you are starting to deliver please keep this mentality love it!!
Last edited by WarhawkOfficial#9280 on Aug 31, 2024, 5:40:43 AM
Good day, ladies and gentlemen, GGG developers.

It seems to me that you are fixing the effect in your patches, not the cause.
Network identification problems with subsequent game crashes are the effect.
The cause is in the rendering of visual effects, on which the game freezes. And when it freezes long enough, a network identification problem occurs and the game crashes.
This is quite easy to catch and see. How to do it:

1. Delete the game.

2. Reinstall it.

3. Go to any map and freeze on a fight with mobs, and you can see on which visual effect the freeze occurs.

As evidence, I will add three videos that I made immediately after reinstalling the game.
First freeze:
Second freeze:
Third freeze and crash:

After a visual effect "hangs" the game - it is remembered in some game cache, and next time the game will not slow down on this effect, but will slow down on another one, which has not yet been.

I really hope that this information will help you find and finally fix bugs with visual effects.

Best wishes, Victor Diyanov
After the two patches it seems to have improved, occasionally it freezes but not in the same way as before, it happens quickly and there is no time to die. Something I noticed now is that depending on which effect or monsters caused the freeze/crash it does not happen again after the same event. Thank you.
WarhawkOfficial wrote:
GGG from no contact to a lot of contact and small updates love it!!! keep up the great communication GGG and thanx Devs for the hard work your putting in to the overall quality of life of the game.

this is what we were asking for and you are starting to deliver please keep this mentality love it!!

I couldn't agree more! The game's stability has improved significantly these last two patches, and I'm hopeful further patches and the upcoming PS5 version will remove the remaining performance and texture loading issues.

But most importantly, it feels amazing that GGG is finally communicating with us! Issues with the game suck, but being left in the dark makes them so much worse. Thank you GGG, and please keep communicating with your console audience.
The only way I've found to fix the fog of war issue is to delete the game and re-download it.
Nothing has changed. Still freezing in the middle of mobs for seconds.
Will give it a try tonight. Thanks!
Yes the fog of war reset issue is the worst when it happens because you have to uninstall / reinstall to fix (and I also clear cache / rebuild database but not sure if necessary). Has happened to me once so far this season.
Last edited by colecodez#9295 on Aug 31, 2024, 2:05:42 PM
colecodez wrote:
Yes the fog of war reset issue is the worst when it happens because you have to uninstall / reinstall to fix (and I also clear cache / rebuild database but not sure if necessary). Has happened to me once so far this season.

The clear cache/rebuild database is not necessary.

I've been getting this bug (the local storage bug, which breaks fog of war and/or custom filters) literally for years, and the only steps necessary to fix it are:

1) Delete the game

2) Reinstall the game

I've heard sporadic reports of clear cache occasionally fixing it without deleting, but I've never experienced that myself. After trying clear cache a few times myself with no benefit, I stopped trying, so sample size is small.

Delete and reinstall has had a 100% fix rate for me and the vast majority (possibly all) of the people I've recommended it to.

BTW, to everyone doing "rebuild database" on a playstation... that's the Licensing database. It *only* helps with License issues. It has literally nothing to do with any in-game storage of info or settings in any game.

License issues almost always result in an error that mentions licensing, and the vast majority of them prevent you from even starting a game at all.

I don't recommend doing rebuild database when you aren't having that particular type of problem. It shouldn't harm anything, but you're just wasting time and putting extra wear on your storage device for no reason.

Last edited by QQPQ#9136 on Aug 31, 2024, 2:36:29 PM

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