Path of Exile 2 at Brasil Game Show

KaseyM21 wrote:
GnomoCS wrote:
Will PoE2 use the IPv6 protocol or will it remain on the obsolete IPv4 protocol?

IPv4 isn't obsolete. The issues Brazil was having with IPv4 have already been permanently resolved anyways:

Yes it is.

The «Internet» Protocol version 4 has been obsolete since at least 2017, when the IPv6 standard has been finalized.

IPv4 had been developed for the USA-only Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), and never really supposed to be used worldwide at a wide scale, but then businesses used what was convenient and here we are now.

The main issue is that in IPv4 there are only 4 billion addresses, so (as much as this would have been incredible in the ARPANET days), every single computer cannot get their own address.
This today results in hacky solutions like Network Address Translation, with consequences like the ones described in the linked thread.

Notably because Internet Service Providers arriving late in the business only got scraps of IPv4 addresses. AFAIK some of them literally got zero (especially in Asia, GGG might be aware of it from its Asian branches ??), though thankfully IPv6 (which has a LOT more addresses) was already available as an alternative, even if not completely finalized.

(To resume : if you don't have IPv6, (and, really, at least a /56), then since 2017 you don't have Internet access («ARPANET access» I guess ?). Complain to your «I»SP / politicians.)

But then PoE2 is only a game, and not even really a brand new one at that (being built over PoE1 code), so I guess GGG might prefer the game not being accessible at all for a few IPv6-only potential customers, if it means they can focus on their main customer base (that's not you Brazilian players, sorry) and give them the best experience ??
Finalmente a GGG vem pro Brasil!
Finally, GGG come to Brazil!
bad timing for me :<
i cannot attend that week
Pinto is also a slang for wiener, just fyi
Naiso! Come to Brazil!!!
Finalmente um evento de PoE no Brasil . Vai lotar
AMAZING! Changing my plans right now. I am unbooking the travel the weekend before to schedule my travel for SP for that weekend. PoE2 wait for me!
Brazil mentioned?
This Brasil,exile
Ign: ThatManWithTheBow

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