Supporter Pack Shipping Cost

I have the same issue.
I understand and am willing to pay shipping fees to receive physical items.
However, I was informed that I must pay over $120 shipping fees to receive my order. I frequently order physical items from companies in the US, and I have never been charged such an exorbitant and unreasonable shipping fee.

This is the most unacceptable part of this situation—it feels like a scam. Additionally, when I contacted customer service, I was told everything was normal and advised to simply opt out of physical items. This response completely kills any desire to make a purchase.
its over $150 usd for me to ship to Australia. pretty absurd for a book and 2 clothes.
yeah abit of a joke, few people i know wanted to buy this pack but no one here "aus" or back home in "new zealand" is willing to fork out $140 usd

its a joke, especially being a nz company.
Love this game, would have bought the most expensive supporterpack but after reading this thread, looking for information about errors, trying to type in my info. Now i read about the shipping costs. Sad, really.
I contacted support to see if the shipping cost is an error, or if at least there is a cheaper alternative, even if it would take 2-3 months to arrive, ehich I would be ok with.

Sadly they confirmed the shipping cost is indeed real, almost 80 euros to eastern Europe, and that it is completely out of their control.

I'm sorry, but this is unnaceptable, it's ludicrously high.

Given this, I no longer want to financially support this company.

I don't think I'm going to be spending my time with their games as well anytime soon.

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