➡️➡️➡️➡️NZ & AUS - POE2⬅️⬅️⬅️⬅️SHADOWFANG🐺680+ Member Discord POE2 Community.

Sent you a PM.
Can we get 630 please
We are 630+ now, but we need more!
Join us to watch the live stream tomorrow
Hi there, Sent in a PM
IGN - SorcyBzztBzzt
Disc - dylanpage95 (sent a message to the recruit post on the poe discord)
Bump, the last slots filling fast probably only 1-2 weeks before we are 250/250.
<SF> Shadowfang NZ/AUS Guild Master
Sent a PM!
Hello my name is StepheHorking and i'm looking for a poe2 guild first playing poe aswell im looking for an oce guild or close to that ping i am sick of playing solo maybe i could join you guys if there is a spot

IGN is Stephenhorking invoker monk currently level 88 solo
Hello my name is StepheHorking and i'm looking for a poe2 guild first playing poe aswell im looking for an oce guild or close to that ping i am sick of playing solo maybe i could join you guys if there is a spot

IGN is Stephenhorking invoker monk currently level 88 solo

Have sent you a DM, welcome
<SF> Shadowfang NZ/AUS Guild Master
Join us, Shadowfang!!! And the Wolves will run wild in the: night, day, late afternoon, and sometimes early morning, although it’s hard to say with wolves. (They don’t have clocks and can’t tell the time!)

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