POE 2 ✧ Lahkesis Queen of Chaos ✧ "Essence Drain " Guide releas (Showcase video update 0.1.1)

Oxxyyy#3282 wrote:
Can someone tell me what curse do he use on the last showcash as an aura with blasphemy ? I cant tell

Not sure which clip is the last (in order it's act 1 boss).
On all the clips there are temporal chains in blasphemy, on expedition it's paired with enfeeble.
What is your main stats and atributes from items?

Could you send final skill tree?
Last edited by Serniczek#3477 on Dec 16, 2024, 7:17:40 AM
What is your main stats and atributes from items?

Could you send final skill tree?

Mine or OP?
If mine - it's pretty similar to what it was, I just pathed to slow efficiency and duration/slow efficiency clusters (not sure if it's optimal, but it's definitely fun).

As I expected, red maps were pretty harsh reality call: up to that moment my chronomancer was literally invinsible, while cruising in campaign gear with uncapped resists, and with red maps oneshots started.

I farmed a bit in +1lvl T10 and easy T11 maps for better gear (currently have +5lvls on my offensive setup, +2 on amulet, ~100 additive damage, 2k life, 800 mana, ele-weakness capped ele resists and 50% chaos). Attributes-wise it's a mess, as the only 30% boots I got are on high-lvl dex base, so have to use a lot of dex both on gear and in a tree. If playing on trade, I would definitely use armor base (even es base is better, at least it wouldn't put such a pressure on useless attribute). I decided to do the farm in lvl75 maps specifically, as I wanted to stock up on baryas for ascendancy attempts at the same time and lvl75 is the easiest one which provides the 4th point.

This is far from optimal setup, but currently I'm farming T14-T15 without problems . I had to adapt my mindset a lot though, T10-T11 I was blasting: cast dots / blink past the pack / run to another / repeat, and this allowed me to do 5-6 maps per hour, including downtime. For high tier maps, especially if they are rare (overall, modifiers are way more important than tier, T15 with 2 bonus levels with no offense/defense modifiers is easier than juiced T11), I'm playing very defensively, forward-casting effigy to provoke shots, running close to the pack, so it is slowed and dancing around while my dots kill it.

For atlas passives, I just took quality/quantity and mob density nodes (including quantity of rares/magic).

I decided to avoid waystone rarity / affix power nodes yet. Overall waystone affixes look way less important to me than in POE1, there are many devastating ones, which buffs mobs a lot and for most of them, the only benefit is waystone quantity (loot quality/quantity is not affected). I'm running mostly magic maps, with occasional rare if I dropped one, crafting them on SSF looks absolutely not worth it. It is enough to cover my atlas strategy: I'm using T11-T13 to travel to boss nodes, kill bosses on T14-T15 and use random yellow maps for towers, as they are both annoying and unrewarding. Overall with this atlass/strategy I have a surplus of waystones, so I see no reason to make them harder. On HC I can imagine that normal waystone running may be a viable strategy.

I'm on level 19 gems (will try downgrading some of them when I'll be back to the game as for contagion and despair manacost increase is definitely not worth the benefits). In POE2 gems are gated by level requirements pretty hard and lvl20 requires me to get to 90. I've corrupted DE for +1 level, as I don't need a lot of links there and this little boost to totem survivability is very welcome (ideally I want 4 supports with +1 corruption as totem placement speed is nice, but currently I have to choose between 4th support and +level and I prefer +level).

With all the +levels manacost is a big problem. I tried speccing in mana nodes, but it's nowhere enough to solve it. For now I'm hard-carried by manadrain wand (with a single support to cast-on-the-move), and for high tier maps it works ok. I'm not blasting anyway and while I'm dancing around the pack it's easy to cast drain or two. If I would like to farm lower-tier maps for some reason, I would definitely got rid of some levels from gear and downlevel some gems to be in the blaster mode again. I'm even considering doing this for between-bosses travel nodes, but keeping two sets and switching is too much of a hustle to me.

Again, will be on a break during the week and plan for the next weekends is 4th ascendancy point and to start attempting pinnacles.
Last edited by adavydow#2566 on Dec 16, 2024, 8:28:38 AM
I am so thankfull for you long response, but could you give advice also for newbies?

Im 30+ lv ans struggle to fight in act3.

Goinin mainly for spell dmg, INT, HP, and 3x res 60+. Mana is not the problem.

Have 86% dmg and +2 chaos wand, still low dmg..

0 armour and evasion - only hp + es

skill tree: https://maxroll.gg/poe2/passive-tree/he51w0qk

i think I am not that good in poe as in d4 xD

Would you guys help?
I am so thankfull for you long response, but could you give advice also for newbies?

Im 30+ lv ans struggle to fight in act3.

Goinin mainly for spell dmg, INT, HP, and 3x res 60+. Mana is not the problem.

Have 86% dmg and +2 chaos wand, still low dmg..

0 armour and evasion - only hp + es

skill tree: https://maxroll.gg/poe2/passive-tree/he51w0qk

i think I am not that good in poe as in d4 xD

Would you guys help?

I haven't played on bloodmage, overall for me it looked that for dot caster with no crits and leech potential, this ascendancy is doing more harm than good. However there were some blood mages in the thread, maybe they can help.

This is my chronomancer guide: https://mobalytics.gg/poe-2/profile/d20c7f59-361d-4242-b860-f972145bad2f/builds/6298d281-4417-422f-b0bd-9782e7eba4b1

Many things I wrote about there still apply to the bloodmage.

I haven't covered basics so it is mainly for mid-level players, not for starters. If you find it hard to follow, feel free to ask, I'll try to improve it.

Main points: curse and wither are the main ways to scale dots. Curse efficiency nodes are very important and wither nodes you skipped at the top of the tree are the most powerful nodes you can get.

You should get dark effigy soon, if not already. Put envenom/withering touch/faster casting on it and drop it on the bosses / rares. This is strait up x3 multiplier to your damage if you put drain ailment/minion supports to your ed.

Also, there is no need to stack int. Get as much as you need for gems / gear and put the rest into strength, hp is way more valuable than mana.
Last edited by adavydow#2566 on Dec 16, 2024, 8:51:20 AM
OP hasn't posted anything useful yet, but until we get an actual chaos ascendancy, Chronomancer seems the most useful long term pick. The 20% slow aura is great, Temporal Rift is a free undo button that can offer infinite sustain during bossfights, gonna go for time stop next I get enough damage

Currently level 74 and while I like my version of the build, the lack of damage is just so frustrating. Granted, my gear isn't ideal, but I shouldn't have to get +7 chaos levels on gear for a skill to feel "okay". Getting +7 chaos gems should mean "instamelt most packs". It doesn't help that ED doesn't even benefit from having more than 2 sockets, you can only really use Swift Affliction and Intense Agony, and even THEN Intense Agony is arguably only useful for getting a bigger DoT on a fresh pack. I shouldn't be forced to Frankenstein a minion/ED/contagion build just so I can use minion pact, nor should I be forced to build around Hexblast - I want to play ED/Contagion, and if I wanted to build Hexblast, I'd do that instead.

Infernalist would only be a band-aid, cause there WILL be a time where it's not enough and you'll instead need a better weapon, at which point Demon form becomes moot cause it doesn't utilise your weapons stats.

For defence I'm going MoM + HP/ES hybrid, currently sitting at 1700HP, 800ES and almost 1200 mana. Not dying too much except to hard hitting lightning mobs cause I can't cap my lightning res. This can be fixed though so I'm not too worried, I'm worried about the lack of supports for this skill. Just make controlled destruction work normally again, damn.
Would anybody like some... POUNDCAKE?
Agilaz#5204 wrote:

Currently level 74 and while I like my version of the build, the lack of damage is just so frustrating. Granted, my gear isn't ideal, but I shouldn't have to get +7 chaos levels on gear for a skill to feel "okay". Getting +7 chaos gems should mean "instamelt most packs". It doesn't help that ED doesn't even benefit from having more than 2 sockets, you can only really use Swift Affliction and Intense Agony, and even THEN Intense Agony is arguably only useful for getting a bigger DoT on a fresh pack. I shouldn't be forced to Frankenstein a minion/ED/contagion build just so I can use minion pact, nor should I be forced to build around Hexblast - I want to play ED/Contagion, and if I wanted to build Hexblast, I'd do that instead.

I'm afraid, you are doing smth wrong. I stucked with +2 wand / +2 focus, no levels on amulet for eternity and it was enough to blast through T10. Defense-wise I was on similar stats as you.

Minion pact goes of effigy (totems are minions in POE2) and like it or not, effigy is essential for dot caster (as I told before it's x3 multiplier if you use it correctly).

+7 levels is what you need to go to def-buffed red maps and it is expectable, if we were going there in campaign gear it would be too op.

If anything, +7 will do your more harm than good before red maps, as damage is good enough as-is, but mana will become a problem.
Last edited by adavydow#2566 on Dec 16, 2024, 9:10:54 AM
How are you handling curses? I tried going Whispers with Despair/Enfeeble but losing the curse explosions made my clear feel much worse. For now I'm back to self casting despair with AoE, curse explosion and increased curse effect.

I was not aware Minion Pact worked off totems, good to know, although it's still a massive difference compared to options of other builds. I've been using Effigy already, just without the Minion Pact interaction (or the poison interaction cause my dumbass completely forgot poison is an ailment)

Haven't had too many mana issues so far, even with the MoM penalty I'm regenning close to 10% of my mana per second. And if I can get one more socket on Despair, I can slot in Arcane Surge for even more mana regen since it's currently already costing like 250 mana.
Would anybody like some... POUNDCAKE?
Hello all, I have updated my build guide here for Infernalist.


I am now doing map clear with Hexblast + poisons and using ED to give supplemental DPS on bosses or extremely dense activities like Breach and Ritual.

Ultimately this feels 10x more comfortable to play as you can do 80% of mapping with a single button, 15% with 2 buttons and the final 5% might require 3-4 buttons.

I have left the tabs up for the old style of just ED Contagion, but I highly recommend giving poison Hexblast a try.

Thanks, for this build.
It's been a little hard for me to know which item is good.
Could you please update that build in the items section of what would be the BiS for every gear?
If possible, select the suffixes and affixes in order of importance.
Would be good too the sequence of passives, I'm following blindly to know what is more important (maybe use another site like maxroll).
Maybe those infos are trivial but I'm very noob at PoE2 (and 1 too lol).

But thank you to this build, I'm currently at Act1 Cruel and blasting fun :^)
Agilaz#5204 wrote:
How are you handling curses? I tried going Whispers with Despair/Enfeeble but losing the curse explosions made my clear feel much worse. For now I'm back to self casting despair with AoE, curse explosion and increased curse effect.

I was not aware Minion Pact worked off totems, good to know, although it's still a massive difference compared to options of other builds. I've been using Effigy already, just without the Minion Pact interaction (or the poison interaction cause my dumbass completely forgot poison is an ailment)

Haven't had too many mana issues so far, even with the MoM penalty I'm regenning close to 10% of my mana per second. And if I can get one more socket on Despair, I can slot in Arcane Surge for even more mana regen since it's currently already costing like 250 mana.

If clear is a problem on ED/contagion you are definitely doing smth wrong. It's the main point of the build and it does not need any help to do it good.

You should kill packs in single rotation. It'll take a couple of seconds for them to die, but there is no need to watch - just run to the next pack and set your loot filter to ping when smth useful drops.

10% per second is not even close to what you need for high level spells (manacost scales exponentially).
While I was on lvl16 ED +4 from gear I also thought that mana is not an issue.

I took all curse nodes and currently my despair is close to -80%.
Despair is self cast, TC on blashpemy. Trying to chance doedre's ring for eternity, but with no luck. Can open a shop selling exclusively this stupid manaflask unique rings-)

If you are struggling, look at the guide I've posted above - I assume there will be some usefull tricks there. If you have any advices / comments please share, I'd like to improve it.
Last edited by adavydow#2566 on Dec 16, 2024, 9:31:42 AM

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