My Bonestorm/Reap Blood Mage starter for PoE 2 - THE JOURNEY PAID OFF

AdrikPL#4560 wrote:
I don't think its in-game yet.

It's a weapon skill, it comes from a level 38 staff.
I switched back to Bonestorm, and I'll add Reap later, let me cook
Last edited by DrugaddictMenemist#6176 on Dec 7, 2024, 7:55:55 AM
AdrikPL#4560 wrote:
Big up for Your imagination haha, I immidately made a note to myself: "new goal added - create Menstruation Autobomber".

HOLY SHIT that sounds really funny

I'll be cheering on that, Exile.

Have you guys found a Reap staff yet? Still looking for one...
IGN: Hammerhoe (SC)
Hey love this build concept! I'm struggling to figure out what to level with on witch until I get the ascendency. Did you use minions or ele spells? Thanks!
Bumbi#2496 wrote:
Have you guys found a Reap staff yet? Still looking for one...

Not yet, been on the hunt since today in the morning, it's kinda rare actually...

GLHF Exile
duvld#1864 wrote:
Hey love this build concept! I'm struggling to figure out what to level with on witch until I get the ascendency. Did you use minions or ele spells? Thanks!

Hey man, really appreciate the kind words! I used ED+Contagion in early levels, it was a real medieval torture, nothing dies, you actually deal zero damage and even more youre squishy af. Switched to Bonestorm and it's going relatively solid, try it.

GLHF Exile!
duvld#1864 wrote:
Hey love this build concept! I'm struggling to figure out what to level with on witch until I get the ascendency. Did you use minions or ele spells? Thanks!

Hey man, really appreciate the kind words! I used ED+Contagion in early levels, it was a real medieval torture, nothing dies, you actually deal zero damage and even more youre squishy af. Switched to Bonestorm and it's going relatively solid, try it.

GLHF Exile!

Thanks for the quick reply! Sorry for spamming but I just unlocked bonestorm and I can't imagine using this skill only to clear mobs. It's great for single target but are you using it for trash mobs too?
duvld#1864 wrote:
duvld#1864 wrote:
Hey love this build concept! I'm struggling to figure out what to level with on witch until I get the ascendency. Did you use minions or ele spells? Thanks!

Hey man, really appreciate the kind words! I used ED+Contagion in early levels, it was a real medieval torture, nothing dies, you actually deal zero damage and even more youre squishy af. Switched to Bonestorm and it's going relatively solid, try it.

GLHF Exile!

Thanks for the quick reply! Sorry for spamming but I just unlocked bonestorm and I can't imagine using this skill only to clear mobs. It's great for single target but are you using it for trash mobs too?

Hello there! No problem at all!

Yeah I'm using this to clear, there's some mechanical tricks with it, like fully charging it and rolling to a side to autoshoot, also try getting the correct "timing" channeling trick, it would do a day and night difference in the gameplay. You do that by clicking once, and then holding the click again in a short succession to start channeling faster while moving even faster.

If you need more help, I'll gladly help :)

GLHF Exile.
Thanks for the encouragement :) I'm really invested in a bonestorm crit + blood mage concept haha. Have you tried using power siphon? Power charges turn bonestorm into an explosion which might help with aoe clearing.

There's a few things I noticed that might hinder this though, it's hard to get mobs low enough to use power siphon consistently (or at least I don't know a way to do this well, maybe bone cage/minions/chaos damage can be used for this?), and maybe replacing one of the support skills on bonestorm with pierce would achieve this anyway.

Also I'm having a hard time doing the dodge roll cancel you described. It feels really clunky as the cast time for bonestorm is still really long. Are you using WASD or mouse movement?

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