Xbox Series S Performance

What’s funny is I see people talking about T15 “juiced” maps. Define juiced. We talking 6+ tower boosts corrupted with more modifiers than normal maps (I’ve had a 10 affix map), or 2 affix ones? Triple instilled? All the league mechanics? I can now run a T18 on xbox (couldn’t back in December), but the performance is pitiful.

Then you mention not to compare pc/console. I can tell you right now every time I load up Savannah, Sinking Spire, Fortress, and Blooming field on my pc it’s a dice roll as to how bad performance gets. Almost always riddled with shader issues (that have been a thing since PoE1 in my reading). But you’re telling me your not even close to comparable (you admitted as much) Xbox Series S gives you no problems? Get real.

I didn’t have stash tab problems myself, perhaps I should tell the “whiny brats” in those topics they are wrong and need to stop picking on poor GGG!
Last edited by SRS BIZNESS BRO#9609 on Feb 18, 2025, 3:55:11 PM
What’s funny is I see people talking about T15 “juiced” maps. Define juiced. We talking 6+ tower boosts corrupted with more modifiers than normal maps (I’ve had a 10 affix map), or 2 affix ones? Triple instilled? All the league mechanics? I can now run a T18 on xbox (couldn’t back in December), but the performance is pitiful.

Then you mention not to compare pc/console. I can tell you right now every time I load up Savannah, Sinking Spire, Fortress, and Blooming field on my pc it’s a dice roll as to how bad performance gets. Almost always riddled with shader issues (that have been a thing since PoE1 in my reading). But you’re telling me your not even close to comparable (you admitted as much) Xbox Series S gives you no problems? Get real.

I didn’t have stash tab problems myself, perhaps I should tell the “whiny brats” in those topics they are wrong and need to stop picking on poor GGG!


Stupid people never lose an argument.
Yes that’s exactly what I said when I gave running the game on my xbox another go, “Yikes”. 10/10 retort.
Last edited by SRS BIZNESS BRO#9609 on Feb 18, 2025, 4:01:31 PM
Yes that’s exactly what I said when I gave running the game on my xbox another go, “Yikes”. 10/10 retort.

Yeah thanks man, took me a minute to come up with it, so I'm glad you appreciated it - that means a lot.

But seriously, I still just see complaining and claims, yet nothing to answer my inquiry - viz, why do a lot of us have absolutely no issues, and others claim it's unplayable?

I mean, I guess just tossing around complaints and claims, and dogging everything is valid in someone's mind, but I'm not that someone and I am also not the type to let people get away with entitled ranting without some form of justification.

And before you say I am making baseless claims, the burden of proof is on those of you crying about unplayability... I'm just saying I think it could possibly be a you issue, not a GGG issue.

Shoot, I don't even crash anymore from the stash tabs, that's how on it GGG actually is - so not only do I not have any performance issues on my plebian Series S console, I also have absolutely no crashing issues now (oh and to top it off, I bought my console refurbished...LOL).

Stupid people never lose an argument.
You might have to face the reality you're not the biggest mouth anymore, so you may not get fed your entitlements as often.


Stupid people never lose an argument.
I believe the game runs “good enough” for you, but not that it runs as good as it should. You don’t even have to look that hard, campaign generally runs well on consoles. Endgame is another story entirely.

After a ton of troubleshooting I just bit the bullet and went to pc. What’s funny is I still want to play on a large tv and so my laptop was hooked up to it. On pc it runs “good enough” for me. Usually 80-115 fps besides aforementioned maps. But after doing the pinnacles it was no longer “good enough” to put up with the abysmal optimization.

So if you are ok with 15-40 fps, by all means have at it. But burden of proof? Lmfao this isn’t court buddy. There are plenty of pics and vids on the net if you’re so inclined. Imagine though being bored enough to troll and argue on a forum designed to get feedback to improve the game so that it actually plays like a 2025 title.
Last edited by SRS BIZNESS BRO#9609 on Feb 18, 2025, 6:47:11 PM
I believe the game runs “good enough” for you, but not that it runs as good as it should. You don’t even have to look that hard, campaign generally runs well on consoles. Endgame is another story entirely.

After a ton of troubleshooting I just bit the bullet and went to pc. What’s funny is I still want to play on a large tv. On pc it runs “good enough” for me. Usually 80-115 fps besides aforementioned maps. But after doing the pinnacles it was no longer “good enough” to put up with the abysmal optimization.

So if you are ok with 15-40 fps, by all means have at it. But burden of proof? Lmfao this isn’t court buddy. There are plenty of pics and vids on the net if you’re so inclined. Imagine though being bored enough to troll and argue on a forum designed to get feedback to improve the game so that it actually plays like a 2025 title.

Imagine though, being bored enough to actually play the hypocrite by doing the exact same thing you're dogging someone else for doing, while doing it...

So much deflection and avoidance, so little anything else but complaining with nary a solution in sight - and I do place some of the solution on your lap, because the fact still remains, the reality is still there, that not everyone has the same performance issues.

Oh and as a side note, the human eye is incapable of discerning anything above 24.976 frames per second, hence the reason the film industry rendered movies at this frame rate (they still may, it's been awhile since I worked with that software in that capacity). This does apply here since we are not swinging a camera around in PoE, we are essentially watching a static camera... moving picture.

But I digress.

Stupid people never lose an argument.
Last edited by NotPivot#9831 on Feb 18, 2025, 6:53:07 PM
I don’t really care what you do or don’t believe. You can continue your one man crusade to preserve GGG’s honor or whatever you are telling yourself you are doing.

I very much enjoyed the game, it’s not going to be one I continue to play if the optimization isn’t fixed. It’s really that simple. There are plenty of other titles that don’t struggle to stay at 60+fps out there. It’s a shame PoE2 isn’t one of them, but it is what it is.

The human eye can perceive 30-60 fps, and when things turn in to a slideshow it is easily discernible. I’ve played this game a ton on a 60 and then 120 hz tv on console and on pc at every setting there is.

I also don’t get paid to tell them how to fix their game. That’s literally their job.

I also generally lose interest quickly with those that just gaslight and straw man to try and “win” an internet argument. Your signature is all sorts of fitting for you.
I don’t really care what you do or don’t believe. You can continue your one man crusade to preserve GGG’s honor or whatever you are telling yourself you are doing.

I very much enjoyed the game, it’s not going to be one I continue to play if the optimization isn’t fixed. It’s really that simple. There are plenty of other titles that don’t struggle to stay at 60+fps out there. It’s a shame PoE2 isn’t one of them, but it is what it is.

The human eye can perceive 30-60 fps, and when things turn in to a slideshow it is easily discernible. I’ve played this game a ton on a 60 and then 120 hz tv on console and on pc at every setting there is.

I also don’t get paid to tell them how to fix their game. That’s literally their job.

I also generally lose interest quickly with those that just gaslight and straw man to try and “win” an internet argument. Your signature is all sorts of fitting for you.

Ad Hominem. GG.

No crusader here, just someone who doesn't much enjoy the pervasive stupidity in our day and age.

And with your new baseless claim about anatomy (did you bother to look that up btw?) I too shall bow out.

HOWEVER I do have a gripe/bug fix - GGG needs to pay for me to get lasik eye surgery because sometimes the grass hurts my eyes because they chose high quality, and high polygon for the models rather than just cheap sprites.

My eyes are 40 years old and I think that because the devs are causing the strain they need to send me money to fix it, after all everything related to PoE is their responsibility to fix, even if it's my idiocy and my fault.


Stupid people never lose an argument.
You’ve thrown out countless ones yourself and it’s funny to me that you try and twist hypocrisy on to me when every post you have made reeks of it. I’m not passive aggressive either so there is that. I’ve noticed it is way too common on the net nowadays.

Your eyes example is a classic strawman, and my goodness more hypocrisy. They made a game that should but doesn’t run the way most games do this generation. Issues that are like for like in PoE1.

As for your continued journey of arguing what the human eye can perceive, it’s a simple google. On top of that what is applicable to films and how they are shot doesn’t transfer to video games. You are aware “game mode” on most tvs is a thing, yes? Guess what it prioritizes?

You’ve repeatedly insisted on proof, but have continued to “trust me bro” your own alleged experiences. Again, this forum is to provide feedback about issues. You did that, the stash issue is fixed. But here you are, adamantly defending a company of all things while countless customers post every announcement the exact same experiences I’ve cited I’ve had.
Last edited by SRS BIZNESS BRO#9609 on Feb 18, 2025, 7:38:11 PM

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