Bringer of Flame Minion Infernalist

lumine99#5604 wrote:
Hello there I would like to ask, does any of our minion do chaos damage? Or are you taking Right Hand of Darkness for the minion aoe boost?
Hey, and yes Entropic Incarnation gives 8% of phys as Chaos. But the AoE is also really nice for Frost Mages
Actually looking at it again I think we'd rather drop the 4 nodes to Right Hand of Darkness (still keeping Entropic Incarnation) and pick up the curse effect/duration nodes. Also dropped the 30% crit damage to route through the ES cluster in the middle.

Aha got it. Unfortunately I haven't reached mapping yet. Still in act 3 cruel and I'm using MoM right now to prevent one shots. And it got me thinking about using Midnight Braid, the "50% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana" seems pretty good. Also something I've been using before was cast on minion death, with curse(s) slotted in (pre MoM). Since most of the time I was never nearby the enemies to curse them with Blasphemy. Also I keep my curses low so they don't drain too much mana.

Also I wanted to ask what's the normal -resist you got from flamability aura + heightened curse? Since just using lowest lvl flamability curse already gives you -30%. And what's the range of it? Because for me right now it sits at 2.7 ish I think
I've been mixing minions lately and the 1 shock mage just for shocks is really nice. Been using 1 brute + 2 reaver and 2 warrior(scepter) for frontlines, shock + cold mages and srs for damage, And it felt really good. The combination of stun + reaver corrosion + freeze are amazing.

Also if you're more worried about defense, how about using both slow + enveble curse aura? Since our minions are dealing mixed elemental damage anyway. In your case it's fire + cold, mine fire + cold + poison + physical


Tried my first map. Honestly ember fusilade's pros are it is very tactical, very fast to cast, you can spawn 7-8 per cast, and you can use it for scouting enemies. The cons, it is bad when enemies are small, as if it hits nothing it won't spawn any SRS and it is slower when it comes to spawning SRS. While Firewalls are generally comfier to use and can buff ranged units. It's only cons is it is really bad to use in tight spaces, and visibility issues. Still undecided on which ones to focus on, but for now I prefer fusilade's visiblity
Last edited by lumine99#5604 on Dec 20, 2024, 2:56:43 AM
I find that if you are casting ember fusillade and there are no mobs - just turn and face a wall/ground object. I've switched to using WASD for this build and it was much easier to control where my attacks go if there are no mobs and I want to maintain my SRS minions.

Edit: I'm level 71 working on third ascendancy and my clear is great - I am working on getting more of the defensive nodes at the moment as I am more squishy than I prefer.
Last edited by gaya2081#1305 on Dec 20, 2024, 8:45:59 AM
I'm glad to see you're making progress with the build, although I still think Bringer of Flame is a mistake, especially with SRS. What the ascendancy does is make all damage of a hit contribute to ignite magnitude instead of just fire damage. Raging Spirits convert 80% of the their damage to fire by default, and you can only have 1 ignite on an enemy from all 10 of your spirits, so that passive makes it so your Spirits apply an ignite based on 10% of your total Spirit damage instead of 8%. It's much, MUCH stronger to take Seething Body instead.
BCRebel#5572 wrote:
I'm glad to see you're making progress with the build, although I still think Bringer of Flame is a mistake, especially with SRS. What the ascendancy does is make all damage of a hit contribute to ignite magnitude instead of just fire damage. Raging Spirits convert 80% of the their damage to fire by default, and you can only have 1 ignite on an enemy from all 10 of your spirits, so that passive makes it so your Spirits apply an ignite based on 10% of your total Spirit damage instead of 8%. It's much, MUCH stronger to take Seething Body instead.
That math isn't correct because the single biggest hit is from Frost Mage bomb crit (32% crit chance and each use drops 2). Pure cold damage but Bringer of Flame allows it to ignite. You're still right though that Seething Body is better if you can manage it decently well. The only problem I feel with it from basic testing is that if you're above 65% Infernal Flame, using Ice Bomb will for sure max it out unless you get mana on gear (not necessarily a bad idea). That's not a big problem once you have like 4-5k ES and can eat the hit without being near death but earlier on you'll nuke yourself with it all the time.
lumine99#5604 wrote:
Also I wanted to ask what's the normal -resist you got from flamability aura + heightened curse? Since just using lowest lvl flamability curse already gives you -30%. And what's the range of it? Because for me right now it sits at 2.7 ish I think
With all of the curse and aura passive tree nodes, level 19 and 20% quality Flammability is -49% and the radius is 5.1m

Enfeeble is -35% less damage debuff to normal/magic and -21% to rare/boss (rare should also be -35% I think but that's not what the icon shows maybe a bug).

Both effect and radius can be increased with jewels as well.
lumine99#5604 wrote:

Also if you're more worried about defense, how about using both slow + enveble curse aura? Since our minions are dealing mixed elemental damage anyway. In your case it's fire + cold, mine fire + cold + poison + physical
Not needed. Zone of Control already applies hindered through any curse and there is high uptime on chill/freeze. Plus at least one offensive curse is a huge dps increase
I see thank you for the reply. It seems worth it after all the investment. Will try getting there later on
mind if I ask why bringer of flames? does it even add anything to your build or give u anything, why not using searing flame for more fire dmg?
mas0ny1#1105 wrote:
mind if I ask why bringer of flames? does it even add anything to your build or give u anything
Yes, it allows Frost Mages to ignite.

mas0ny1#1105 wrote:
why not using searing flame for more fire dmg?
Seething Body? Yeah it's stronger but also way harder to manage. Bringer of Flame activates at 35% Infernal Flame, Seething Body at 65%.

But if you're looking for the strongest Ascendancies that would still work with the gear / gems / passive tree then I'd drop Pyromantic Pact entirely and get Hellhound + either Beidat's Hand or the 2 3% life nodes. This isn't meant to be the strongest build
Added an endgame planner and moved the basic passive tree below the rare gear
Added starter + mid gear to the build planner

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