Hard crashing PC locks up

I was having this issue *constantly* last night, so this morning I deleted everything from my poe2 steam folder and reinstalled + limited CPU to 90%. Been going good all day so far in endgame+trials. My guess is shader cache issue?
The infamous 4090 Situation... yeah, they better start looking into it before they become the next scandal for bricking CPUs
Diarm#7740 wrote:
I get it when loading into a map (solo).

Do you have any cosmetic items equipped? If you do, can you try unequipping them and see if that changes anything?

I froze twice while loading the castle area at the end of act 1. Have no cosmetics equipped.
I'll probably crash right after I post this, but after today's Windows patch (KB5048667) the game actually runs without immediately blowing up. I do have two CPUs disabled in Process Lasso and Maximum Processor State at 99% in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Power Options\Edit Plan Settings.

I installed the update. After 2 minutes in game I used the portal -> crash, same issue as before. This windows update fixed nothing.
Last edited by Juango#2221 on Dec 10, 2024, 3:07:04 PM
While I had the random crashes since release, removing 2 cores from the process via afinity on task manager would make the game work for a good while.

After the latest patch I can't even login. Select character>crash.

And if I do it without removing the 2 cores from affinity, hard crash as always.

Trying to get the latest windows update now.
Same problem. Full system freeze on loading screens, requires hard restart. Similar specs to everyone else. Some recommendations from this thread might have made it less frequent but it is not fixed, even after Dec. 9 patch.

Ryzen 5 7600X
RTX 4070 12GB
32GB DDR5 6000 Ram
Windows 11

Happens to a friend of mine too, who also has the Ryzen 5 7600X but RTX 4060 16GB.

What I have tried:
Medium textures
Image quality: Every option
Vsync off
Shadows low
Capped FPS
Engine Multithreading off (The quality was too poor to continue using this so I technically didn't crash with it on)
NVIDIA Reflex on/off

I would love to play but this is a really serious issue that could harm my system.
This is so annoying, i bet people damaging their hardware with this issue

Cosmetics are not responsible, i have zero Cosmetics and have the bug as well
same here

got to act 3 today and my pc freezes on nearly every loading screen
problably since the patch i guess

Completely new PC with freshly installed Win11 24H2 and update Nvidia Drivers etc.

rtx 4070 super
ryzen 7600x
I was able to load into the game today and using multi thread toggling play for a bit. The last load screen I saw my temps spike up to 96C on my 9800x3d! absolutely absurd. I desperately want to just play this game but I do think this is causing damage so I'm going to just stop for now. Someone in the other thread said it actually did kill their PC and it wont boot. GGG hasn't even commented in these threads asking for logs or system specs!
0.1.0c has not resolved the issue. Hard lockup while using the portal again today.

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