POE 2 Complete PC Freeze while loading screen

So "for now" here is the "fix" according to Pirate software and shroud. I haven't had any crashes/freezing but the stutters are still there nothing well fix that with the memory leaks in game confirmed by Ziz. Enable vulkan and turn shadows to high, 8x anisotropic filtering, no upscaling NIS. When the game launches go task manager details and set POE affinity cores and uncheck 0-1. Also select your gpu instead of auto for physx in the nvidia control pannel. I haven't froze all week since this fix but at the cost of my games visuals and performance. 4080s/7800x3d/24H2 windows 11. 70-100fps 3440x1440 all other settings maxed.
5teele#0157 wrote:
So "for now" here is the "fix" according to Pirate software and shroud. I haven't had any crashes/freezing but the stutters are still there nothing well fix that with the memory leaks in game confirmed by Ziz. Enable vulkan and turn shadows to high, 8x anisotropic filtering, no upscaling NIS. When the game launches go task manager details and set POE affinity cores and uncheck 0-1. Also select your gpu instead of auto for physx in the nvidia control pannel. I haven't froze all week since this fix but at the cost of my games visuals and performance. 4080s/7800x3d/24H2 windows 11. 70-100fps 3440x1440 all other settings maxed.

While i'm happy that it allows you to play the game, These are NOT fixes, and wont work for everyone. I appreciate Thor and Shroud attempting to find ways to play what is otherwise an incredible game (i do genuinely love the gameplay so far) but it's still putting bandaids on a bullet wound, and I hope that enough users will start changing steam reviews to match the lack of transparency and urgency shown by GGG here.

I'm hoping they enjoy their month break, I'm personally looking forward to my 2 weeks off work. I don't expect them to have this fixed at all, I just want some transparency as to where they're at in this process to fix an incredible problem happening to a large player base.

Removing the core affinity only allows the poe2.exe to NOT use those two cores so in the case of a lockup and 100% cpu usage, you have two cores not utilized by the application. You can then subsequently kill the application without having to hard reboot.

I've done it occasionally and it's caused more zoning crashes but at least I can shut the app off instead of holding the power button down to shut the damn tower off.

Gharkis#1078 wrote:
Kapps#5390 wrote:
Okay, I think I found an actual fix. So setting the affinity of PoE to disable the first two cores will prevent your computer freezing, but PoE still gets stuck in a loop at 100% CPU without being able to make progress. When this happens, you can set the priority of PoE to realtime and whatever it's waiting on is then able to get scheduled and PoE unfreezes. You should then change it back to normal priority when the loading screen si done.

The new version of PoEUncrasher detects PoE freezing, and then does this to unfreeze it, resetting it after the loading screen automatically. The new version is up at https://github.com/Kapps/PoEUncrasher/releases/tag/v1.2.0. Note that you will need to run the program as an administrator for the unfreeze feature to work. If you don't run it as an administrator, it'll say it's setting it to realtime but Windows will actually set it to High and PoE won't unfreeze.

Hopefully this works for others!

Is there a work around to be able to download this and not have Chrome/Edge detect this as a Trojan?

same happening here

I added a new build to PoE Uncrasher that should avoid false positives from virus scanners, but it requires .NET 9 to be installed on your computer. I don't remember if this is something that tends to be installed by default nowadays. But if you have issues with it getting flagged as a virus, that can be used instead, it just might prompt you to install .NET 9 if you don't have it already.

PoEUncrasher also worked for me, defiantly a 'fix' for some until GGG get it sorted.
Jackafur#4646 wrote:
24h2 may contribute or make the issue more apparent, but it is not the main culprit. The issue happens for people who have never been on 24h2. For people on win 10. I even saw one person on Linux.

It. Is. Not. Windows.

I just find it hard to believe that the issue isn't related to Windows 11 24H2 in some way. I was experiencing constant hard freezes until I started dual-booting and playing the game on Windows 10, after which the problem seemed to disappear. I'm not saying you're flat out wrong, but this has definitely been the fix for me. At the very least, I went from crashing every 10-30 minutes to not seeing the problem at all since I switched. Hell, I played for like 10 hours today without any issues.
Please keep me posted when you crash in a day or 2 and realize the problem isn't magically solved.

Live on stream piratesoftware had the crash. People asked him what OS he was on. It was win 11 23h2.

Please explain that one.

I've been playing the game on Windows 10 for almost a week now without any issues. Do you still want me to keep you posted? I'm not saying it's definitely just a Windows 11 24H2 issue, but I haven't experienced any problems outside of Windows 11. I think it's worth it for others to try an OS other than Windows 11. I know you mentioned someone on Linux had the issue, but it works for me. I believe it might be beneficial for some people to switch from Windows 11 to see if it resolves the issue.
Last edited by Jackafur#4646 on Dec 19, 2024, 1:28:34 PM
Gotta say this program saved my life. I'm playing and enjoying the game thanks to this PoeUncrasher. Thank you!
Jackafur#4646 wrote:

I've been playing the game on Windows 10 for almost a week now without any issues. Do you still want me to keep you posted? I'm not saying it's definitely just a Windows 11 24H2 issue, but I haven't experienced any problems outside of Windows 11. I think it's worth it for others to try an OS other than Windows 11. I know you mentioned someone on Linux had the issue, but it works for me. I believe it might be beneficial for some people to switch from Windows 11 to see if it resolves the issue.

This is not a Windows 11 issue. I have Win 10 and I crash. There are people on the both threads that are crashing with Linux.

Furthermore, I ask anyone who sees this message to please give a negative review for Path of Exile 2 on Steam.

I cannot send/reply to direct messages because my in-game character has not finished Act 1.
What to do:
1)Write a short review about the hard crashes in notepad.
2)Copy and paste it to steam reviews, put up a negative review.
3)Copy and paste it to steam discussions, put it up there.
Last edited by Cainrith#2807 on Dec 19, 2024, 1:48:35 PM
Cainrith#2807 wrote:
Jackafur#4646 wrote:

I've been playing the game on Windows 10 for almost a week now without any issues. Do you still want me to keep you posted? I'm not saying it's definitely just a Windows 11 24H2 issue, but I haven't experienced any problems outside of Windows 11. I think it's worth it for others to try an OS other than Windows 11. I know you mentioned someone on Linux had the issue, but it works for me. I believe it might be beneficial for some people to switch from Windows 11 to see if it resolves the issue.

This is not a Windows 11 issue. I have Win 10 and I crash. There are people on the both threads that are crashing with Linux.

Furthermore, I ask anyone who sees this message to please give a negative review for Path of Exile 2 on Steam.

is it the same crash with the hard freeze?
AwwYiss1#2063 wrote:
5teele#0157 wrote:
So "for now" here is the "fix" according to Pirate software and shroud. I haven't had any crashes/freezing but the stutters are still there nothing well fix that with the memory leaks in game confirmed by Ziz. Enable vulkan and turn shadows to high, 8x anisotropic filtering, no upscaling NIS. When the game launches go task manager details and set POE affinity cores and uncheck 0-1. Also select your gpu instead of auto for physx in the nvidia control pannel. I haven't froze all week since this fix but at the cost of my games visuals and performance. 4080s/7800x3d/24H2 windows 11. 70-100fps 3440x1440 all other settings maxed.

While i'm happy that it allows you to play the game, These are NOT fixes, and wont work for everyone. I appreciate Thor and Shroud attempting to find ways to play what is otherwise an incredible game (i do genuinely love the gameplay so far) but it's still putting bandaids on a bullet wound, and I hope that enough users will start changing steam reviews to match the lack of transparency and urgency shown by GGG here.

I'm hoping they enjoy their month break, I'm personally looking forward to my 2 weeks off work. I don't expect them to have this fixed at all, I just want some transparency as to where they're at in this process to fix an incredible problem happening to a large player base.

Removing the core affinity only allows the poe2.exe to NOT use those two cores so in the case of a lockup and 100% cpu usage, you have two cores not utilized by the application. You can then subsequently kill the application without having to hard reboot.

I've done it occasionally and it's caused more zoning crashes but at least I can shut the app off instead of holding the power button down to shut the damn tower off.

That's why I added quotations it's not a solution but a temporary fix to stop your computer from freezing and bricking. Also the settings changes I provided should stop the crashing during loading, disabling the 0-1 cores is just another failsafe like I said to stop the computer lock ups. Are we playing parrot?
Jackafur#4646 wrote:
Cainrith#2807 wrote:
Jackafur#4646 wrote:

I've been playing the game on Windows 10 for almost a week now without any issues. Do you still want me to keep you posted? I'm not saying it's definitely just a Windows 11 24H2 issue, but I haven't experienced any problems outside of Windows 11. I think it's worth it for others to try an OS other than Windows 11. I know you mentioned someone on Linux had the issue, but it works for me. I believe it might be beneficial for some people to switch from Windows 11 to see if it resolves the issue.

This is not a Windows 11 issue. I have Win 10 and I crash. There are people on the both threads that are crashing with Linux.

Furthermore, I ask anyone who sees this message to please give a negative review for Path of Exile 2 on Steam.

is it the same crash with the hard freeze?

Yes. I freeze on loading screens (with certainty), I also freeze on normal stuff (possibility increasing with play time). People on both threads suffer from it independent of their OS version.

Not to mention the infamous Win 11 "bug" that Ubisoft encountered was Win11's new feature blocking the games' access to system resources. These crashes happen because PoE2 hogs every resource available to it, therefore starving the system of resources it needs to operate, crashing it. When the OS itself crashes, the hard freeze occurs.

Furthermore, I ask anyone who sees this message to please give a negative review for Path of Exile 2 on Steam.
I cannot send/reply to direct messages because my in-game character has not finished Act 1.
What to do:
1)Write a short review about the hard crashes in notepad.
2)Copy and paste it to steam reviews, put up a negative review.
3)Copy and paste it to steam discussions, put it up there.
Last edited by Cainrith#2807 on Dec 19, 2024, 1:57:43 PM

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