Can't properly pick up / interact with items

Whenever there's loot on the ground, I seemingly can't actually highlight the item or pick them up, I have to fiddle with the cursor a whole lot, and even when an item is highlighted, I have to spam pickup key and left click until it eventually picks it up.

This wouldn't be the biggest problem, if items stacked up didn't make it impossible to actually pick up what you want / need. I have no loot filter, and the only thing of notice I've seen is that my in-game loot drops look different compared to my friend that doesn't have this issue.

This is really problematic when it comes to picking up quest items when your inventory is nearly full, as you have to suddenly dump everything somewhere nearby, then struggle to pick up all of the random loot to eventually get the quest item.

Last bumped on Jan 23, 2025, 7:57:52 PM
There's certainly some bug in this. I have similar problem - picking up items requires sometimes to spam click them until it gets pick up, despite item being clearly highlighted.

If it might be of any help, I'm playing in 1920x1200 resolution. I have a gut feeling it might be somewhat related.
Last edited by Element4ry#0359 on Dec 6, 2024, 10:16:33 PM
I'm playing at 2560x1440, which shouldn't matter a whole deal since it's still 16:9 so no aspect ratio shenanigans should happen, but for what it's worth my friend with no issue plays at 1920x1080.

Also I have tried verifying files, made sure there's no stray filters in poe2's documents folder, and tried cycling through fullscreen / windowed / borderless to no avail.
I had a similar problem when I was using unearth on left click, but when I switched to boneswarm the problem went away. Maybe it's something about the skill you're using on left click?
I think i figured out what might be happening. So, most of the time items drop after killing something. Because you pick up items with left click, and cast unearth, a minion summoning spell, it's targeting the item and the corpse. The game seems to prioritize trying to cast unearth to raise a minion before picking up the item.
I don't have a skill on left click, only movement. However that doesn't seem right either, because it's not just the fact that I left click on an item that doesn't let me pick it up, but I also simply can't highlight / hover over most of the items in a stack. Further if left click was the issue, the the pick up key should work like normal, which it does not.
Hmmm, i don't know then. Cause i know having unearth on left click makes it super frustrating to try and pick up items when a body is nearby.
It is ability related some abilities cause this issue if on the left click.
Regardless of what I'm seeing here in this comment section, I've gone thru a bunch of setting changes. All these things yet no avail. I honestly want to play the early access reallllllly bad but if I can't get the loot behind the killing of mobs and bosses then I can't find myself devoting time to it.

Thw only issues I am facing is the fact that when enemies come close, the auto target takes over and I can't pick up anything. They need to add setting for auto targeting off or something. What if I need to run away but want to pick up something on the ground amongst several dangerous enemies. If I create enough distance, I can press upwards on the right analog stick and frantically tap 'A' and HOPE i get it before I bail. Please add some sort of adjustments to the item/enemy auto targeting.

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