POE 2 Buffer Underflow

Just had this issue happened to me a couple of mins ago in my 2nd character in Jungle Ruins and this post saved me. Follow it by the letter and it could help you out. Thanks Khozes.

Khozes#0700 wrote:
Just happenned to me in a cruel Jungle Ruins. I fixed it using the next steps (dont know which one actually helped):
1) Cleared DirectX Cache and Nvidia Cashe (as said here previously by firstangel#7878 https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/165h4pv/constant_shader_recompilation_steps_to_clear_the/)
2) Then I verified game integrity files (im playing through steam)
3) After launching the game i went for setting, changed render, texture and shadows to minimal values (or turned them off) and changed DirectX to Vulkan
4) Changed server to another one (I went for Amsterdam)
5) Probably you should turn off the lootfilter as well

All that steps fixed the issue, and now I can play as my Monk!
I hope this info will help you as well!
Cajoal#6164 wrote:
Crashed in Jungle Ruins, now I cannot log into the character at all. Windows error says "buffer underflow" during load screen, click okay, crash to desktop. Alts work fine, just my main stuck in limbo.

Im having the same issues please fix!!!
OI Mates!
I was laughing at people because I played through the game without issues but now that fat monkey in the jungle slammed me so hard that it appearently broke my game too!
That's one strong monkey there!
Had this happen in an endgame map, it seems to only occur when I approach approach a specific area of the map. It occurred just after some loot dropped, and whenever I approach the loot it crashes again.

Thankfully in these maps when it crashes, i get kicked back to my hideout and the start of the map, and can avoid the troublesome loot.

Perhaps those who are having repeat issues on login are crashing because they're loading into the same spot as they crashed, with the buggy loot. Staying logged off until the map closes would fix the issue if thats the case.
SAME problem :(
This happened to me in Act 3 Jungle just like others.

Tried the other steps that other have suggested.
The only one that worked for me was uninstall and reinstall.

Saved my character and can now continue on.
I'm playing on Steam.
Hope this helps someone else.
Tried the other steps that other have suggested.
The only one that worked for me was uninstall and reinstall.

THIS! All other didn`t help for me.
got mine today in spider Woods. Hopefully this get fixed ASAP.
Same issue, Act 3 in Cruel
same issue in jungle ruins. was able to log back in immediately though.

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