POE2 on console please let us have fun too. Fix controller settings

I am a mercenary on path of exile two, it just suck that we can’t aim with the right analog stick. I can’t even aim where I’m shooting, I can’t even set off combos without it switching targets. I will freeze a mob and if I switch and there more then one mob. It will switch targets and it gets super Frustrating since we can’t aim. That like holding a gun but all you can do is push the trigger and no skill or aim needed but it worst. Because now it lack accuracy . Please let us also have fun too, or let us use mouse and keyboard
Last bumped on Feb 24, 2025, 4:23:54 AM
turn off auto aim.

PC but play with controller and this auto aim feature has been responsible for at least 90% of my deaths.

It's outrageous frustrating and loads of us feel this way.

Please fix asap
All the controls in this game suck. I usually don't use controller over mouse&keyboard, but this game kinda pushed me in that direction, and even controller sucks.
bump for support mouse and keyboard on consoles
why cant i target anything that is visible on the edge of my screen (3440:1440)? - with controller enemies that are on the edge of my screen are not targetable at all. with mouse i can hover over them but projectiles/spells just fly over/past those enemies.
it makes 0 sense to ''support'' bigger resolutions if you cant interact with enemies that are further away than a few meters.

when i play with controller and i walk backwards the auto-targeting stops working and i suddenly turn around?!

why cant i play with controller and sort my inventory with my mouse? - game doesnt allow it. i have to log out to switch between controller/mouse - even Diablo 4, Last Epoch, Grim Dawn (2021) allow that.

Having a way to lock to one target by pressing left stick in would help I think.
The problem with turning off aim assist is you need to be able to press letter buttons like roll which makes it hard to stay on right stick to aim.
I play with a controller on the pc version and i have no idea what you guys are talking about. Controller feels amazing, and you can aim with the right analogue stick just fine... I assume its the same on console
I play on PS5, the worst thing is I cannot shoot where i want. if I want to place a trap 3m from me while the targetted enemy is 10m away, the spell will go on the 10m far enemy, obliging me to go there and facetank all enemies.

Hard mode.

I'm sure you Devs can make smt to allow a great exeprience in the usage of the controller, which is now missing.

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