For the love of god, crafting mats need to be more common. Nearly everyone I talk to in global can hardly craft for the entirety of the 3 acts and fall short gear wise and struggle in game.
"if you can't craft in acts, we failed". C'mon Jonathan. We love ya but idk how closely this was monitored or changed for EA. But the ball was dropped.
Almost every video i see on youtube that have finished the story still have at least 1 or 2 magic items equipped lol, not to mention unique items that i don't even know how they look like.
GGG we need rewards for our time spend, your game rocks and we love you bunch but if you wanna keep those new players that came from D4 and other ARPG game to try this sweet game you need to give them something in return for their time spend.
Btw the infinity loading screen still around, i can't play the game if i don't use VPN, and it sucks with VPN as its free and the network sucks, Please when you have time try to do something about it.
Appreciate your game and great work really, but don't forget to buff the drop rate a little.
I haven't finished Act 1 and I have 5 uniques. Maybe kill shit and loot monsters
Posted byGlorfndel01#6465on Dec 8, 2024, 6:29:08 AM
I haven't finished Act 1 and I have 5 uniques. Maybe kill shit and loot monsters
Not the guy you were replying to, but I'm playing HC (not SSF HC or anything), and I'm in the middle of Act 2. So far I've gotten about 10 rares, 1 unique, 2 regals, 0 alchs, and one exalt.
I've full-cleared most zones at least twice, and sometimes 5+ times (I did the final area in A1 about 7 times).
The variance of loot RNG seems to be way too high, with a few people getting an endless amount of loot and most players barely getting anything, judging by the posts here and on reddit, and the comments by my very large Friend list.
Posted byOdenetheus#1350on Dec 8, 2024, 6:52:22 AM
I haven't finished Act 1 and I have 5 uniques. Maybe kill shit and loot monsters
What a poor take. You do understand rng? Someone probably sits on a divine, doesnt meant its dropping for everyone. Me and my friends have 3 uniques between us (none of which are useful), and we are playing separately, having beat Act1 on two chars each, Act two on two of us, and Im finishing Act3 rn. We have seen a total of 4 alch orbs between us and probably a bit more than 15 regals, considering we dismantle almost every rare (except the really expensive ones we sell to get some gold).
My weapon is 3 tiers behind, my helmet and belt are from Act1, and my best gloves have 2 affixes.
Posted bySerafzor#0133on Dec 8, 2024, 7:09:57 AM
For the love of god, crafting mats need to be more common. Nearly everyone I talk to in global can hardly craft for the entirety of the 3 acts and fall short gear wise and struggle in game.
"if you can't craft in acts, we failed". C'mon Jonathan. We love ya but idk how closely this was monitored or changed for EA. But the ball was dropped.
This please. This really curbs the ability to craft anything. Crafting was discussed "new" and "exciting" and I agreed originally. But you need at minimum to craft.
1x Transmute
1x Augmentation
1x Regal
3x Exalts
I did not have this much currency at the end of Act 2. So we are forced to constantly refresh vendors, and gamble with the *little* amount of gold we do have.
I'm not asking for Affliction league drops here, just enough currency to craft items in the early game.
Posted byThermatico#2282on Dec 8, 2024, 8:12:33 AM
Anything to address the widespread lack of drops? 15 hours and only 1 alch cant be correct.
I am requesting 500 of each currency, essence and 1 of each unique. I refuse to grind for hours to eek by with these drops rates.
Ruthless wasn't tested for no reason, learn how to farm, craft. Drops are fine. Remove gamble though.
Posted bydrbokorkati#0767on Dec 8, 2024, 8:44:23 AM
Anything to address the widespread lack of drops? 15 hours and only 1 alch cant be correct.
I am requesting 500 of each currency, essence and 1 of each unique. I refuse to grind for hours to eek by with these drops rates.
Ruthless wasn't tested for no reason, learn how to farm, craft. Drops are fine. Remove gamble though.
Ah yes the ever so popular Ruthless mode, i wonder who played that mode again oh yeah krip and 10 others ?
They not gone remove gamba its part of the d2 vision they got you know the gambler and all
Posted byZeddrik#7843on Dec 8, 2024, 7:58:14 PM
I think game is fine as is. Maybe give the mobs more HP and less damage though to balance the difficulty. Walking through one shotting everything feels good until you die to a random rare mob out of nowhere.
Crafting feels good. Makes you pick and choose what you want to waste your hard earned orbs on.
Posted byozdUb420#9552on Dec 9, 2024, 9:27:01 AM
For the love of god, crafting mats need to be more common. Nearly everyone I talk to in global can hardly craft for the entirety of the 3 acts and fall short gear wise and struggle in game.
"if you can't craft in acts, we failed". C'mon Jonathan. We love ya but idk how closely this was monitored or changed for EA. But the ball was dropped.
Funny cause I have been crafting the whole time leveling.
Posted byDuallight#5819on Dec 9, 2024, 1:02:14 PM