[EA] Spark Stormweaver - Mana Stacking Archmage MoM+CI - freezing/electrocution

Which one would be better to run the helmet or the ring? FYI I have both.
dial_m#0928 wrote:

link your passive tree and ill take a look. There shouldn't be a dip in dmg if you've got all the dmg while frozen nodes.

build exactly yours. with CoF and Arch. yes, I have ignore resistances on freez, but if i didn't kill for freez = I have no dmg and go dancing. shock looks more consistent and have more burst. for cc I have shock-stun gloves.

why is your feeling that cold have more dmg? hm

Yeah, cold needs freeze to really lay on the hurt. It's more about the absolute qol freeze is for cc, both mods and bosses.

Sahliel#2250 wrote:
Which one would be better to run the helmet or the ring? FYI I have both.

To be honest... I'm not sure. Haseo666 seems to be having a lot of success with the helmet, while im pretty happy with the ring. I need to test both, but given the CoF nerf, I may go back to pure shock.
I am running the ring and basically your build with small changes. Have decent geart at this point, 2.1k mana and 2.8k ES with MoM and CI. Did some Maps and can easily clear T6 at level 73, haven't tried higher though.
The freeze is a game changer, it elevates Spark so much. Not just damage wise, the CC is with Ice Wall and Comet is strong, its constant freeze basically. But most importantly, it creates some kind of impact when comets hit and walls break, it's just so much fun to play and feels perfect!! :D
10/10, nice build!
(double post sry)
Last edited by Brize#3143 on Dec 13, 2024, 6:58:47 PM
Yeah I got the Helmet and it was a game changer for me. It adds a good defensive layer when you freeze everything in the screen, and they can't even get close to hit you.
In T10 with the helmet setup and I'm cruising through maps, I didn't take any penetration nodes in the tree since frozen enemies count as 0 resist and I don't think enemies resist can drop below 0. I went CI and MoM so I dropped all ES nodes and went into any mana regen node I could.

Playstyle wise I found mana tempest to be an unnecessary risk since orb of storms is enough to delete packs.
Hello, reach the endgame, got 134 spirit need to loot better armor with spirit, so the question is better use archmage + clarity or CoF comet + arctic armor with clarity? Dont get MoM atm. Please help me :)
I'm doing really good with the cold converted version of this build, but it still feels like I don't have nearly enough mana regen for MoM, it's just constantly empty during basically any map. Am I missing some critical node on the tree or something? My pre-MoM mana regen is 306 right now.
ssandman#0449 wrote:
I'm doing really good with the cold converted version of this build, but it still feels like I don't have nearly enough mana regen for MoM, it's just constantly empty during basically any map. Am I missing some critical node on the tree or something? My pre-MoM mana regen is 306 right now.

Inspiration support helps a lot in mana sustain. Try to get more mana regen on your gear, my regen is currently sitting at 550/s and with inspiration I can spam Spark without my mana dropping.
What am I missing here, call of the brotherhood seems to happen first with all calcs, and then archmage adds on lightning after the cold calcs.

Was wondering about this as well. I'm almost certain call of the brotherhood doesnt convert the archmage lightning damage over.

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