(Outdated)Frostbolt/Eye of Winter, Coldsnap, Cast on freeze Comet

Thanks for all the great ideas. One thing though, I wish you wouldn't delete stuff when you update the main post as the ionformation is lost for people who aren't at the same stage of progression as you are...
This looks like a great build. Just wish there was a section on how you got through the early game and the setup, I am struggling with Act 2 on this atm.

Act 2 setup that worked well for me:
- frostbolt + scattershot
- cold snap + unleash + conc effect
- frost bomb + fast forward
- arctic armor + glaciation
- hypothermia + heightened curse + persistence

Simply cast frost bolt then use cold snap when the 3 frost bolts are near enemies. Use frost bomb and hypo on top of that for tougher mobs / bosses. Arctic armor with glaciation is a great defensive layer -> enemies who manage to hit you will get frozen and you can immediately cold snap them if needed.

As for the tree I rushed the +1 cold spells node, then took some extra nodes at the bottom for max ES and mana regen, then Taut Flesh/Loose Flesh for survivability and Climate Change for freeze.

Getting a +3 cold spells staff off trade for 1 ex was also a great investment.
4opt92#3548 wrote:
Do I understand it right - the "Shaper of Winter" (Stormweaver ascendancy talent) - could not freeze enemies, just chill, right ?
If I'm running a lightning build for ex.

Correct that talent only relates to chill.
Thanks for all the great ideas. One thing though, I wish you wouldn't delete stuff when you update the main post as the ionformation is lost for people who aren't at the same stage of progression as you are...

I apologize for that! This is the first build I’ve ever posted and I did not expect it to get nearly as much traction as it did. I intended for this to just be an idea showcase for people to look at and take ideas from. We’re all in this game for the first time together so I wasn’t trying to make this into a step by step guide to follow because I might be making a lot of mistakes as I go.

I’m trying to turn this more into a guide with some tips for people to follow in the earlier game, but between work, making this build post, and just trying to play the game my time is a bit stretched thin. I’m working on it tho I promise!
KyleMasc#7189 wrote:
Hello, can you explain now that you quit frostbolt what is your playstyle and what is Conc Efect in Cold Snap?

Thank you

Hi! So using Eye of Winter over Frost Bolt doesn't change much besides not Cold Snap'ing Frost Bolts anymore. Cold Snap still does a crazy amount of damage so I use it mainly on bosses to break their freeze after I'm done combo'ing them and to pick off random stragglers that didnt die to the comet barrage from cast on freeze. The playstyle is still basically the same, cast Eye of Winter as you are walking through the map and up to packs of mobs just like using Frost Bolt.

Conc Effect = Concentrated Effect. A support gem that increases AoE damage but reduces AoE range.

Ah i see, but i dont see concentrated effect as supp skill for cold snap, maybe theres something i dont understand?

One more quuestion, im early on the game(lvl 31 right now) and get my first chiming staff, actually 2, 1 magic and 1 white, worth it to equip it or should i continue with the other weapon rare one i get? If not, when should i start to really search for a really good one and continue all to the end just changing them for better ones?

Just for sigil of power.

Hello again, can i get a answer here please?
KyleMasc#7189 wrote:

You're missing the point. Why is there a need for damage on demand if meteor kills every normal mobs. Why would frostwall's delayed dmg matter if you're using it on tanky rates which would not die to cold snap anyway.

Seems like there's a gap in this build where meteor isn't proccing, likely due to bad support gem and talent choice

It’s actually incredible how ignorant you are and how little reading comprehension you have. Good bye and have a good day!

I comprehended perfectly. You want cold snap as a burst damage to deal with monsters that don't get AOE cleared by meteor. That means your meteor cast rate is rather poor, likely because you're not specced to maximize energy generation from cast on freeze.

This creates a highly clunky playstyle where you have to cold snap frostbolts manually as an awkward hotfix.
Last edited by Alpha23512#3159 on Dec 10, 2024, 8:29:42 AM
Hello again, can i get an answer here please?

Concentrated effect can be found and made by sorting your support gems options to All gems, found at the bottom of the window to cut the gem! Just make one and you can slap it on cold snap.

As far as the Chiming Staff goes it would be great to have as the end all be all staff, however you should use whatever comes as an upgrade to you. Don’t limit yourself to just Chiming Staves for sigil of power, it’s more of a bonus ability type deal. What matters most is finding a good staff with good rolls on it that will increase your damage output so always be on the lookout for a well rolled staff or Wand + Focus!
KyleMasc#7189 wrote:

You're missing the point. Why is there a need for damage on demand if meteor kills every normal mobs. Why would frostwall's delayed dmg matter if you're using it on tanky rates which would not die to cold snap anyway.

Seems like there's a gap in this build where meteor isn't proccing, likely due to bad support gem and talent choice

It’s actually incredible how ignorant you are and how little reading comprehension you have. Good bye and have a good day!

I comprehended perfectly. You want cold snap as a burst damage to deal with monsters that don't get AOE cleared by meteor. That means your meteor cast rate is rather poor, likely because you're not specced to maximize energy generation from cast on freeze.

This creates a highly clunky playstyle where you have to cold snap frostbolts manually as an awkward hotfix.

You’re literally just typing to type at this point. You have done nothing but spit the exact same thing over and over despite my repeated attempts at saying Cold Snap is not NEEDED that this is not a build guide to follow word for word and that I’m experimenting with stuff. I used and still use Cold Snap because it is quick, and easy to use to finish off frozen mobs while I run to the next area, it doesn’t feel clunky at all. I don’t even use Frost Bolt anymore so your repeated point is null and void now. You wouldn’t know that tho because you’re so fixated on trying to tell me I’m wrong you haven’t even looked at the build changes I’ve made in the post.

That’s not even mentioning that the comet proc rate is not an issue at all….you completely are ignoring the fact that Cold Snap can be used on frozen targets who aren’t dead from Comet and CANNOT be frozen again because they are already frozen, therefore unable to proc another Comet.

Just give up man, I like Cold Snap, I will continue to like and use it. You don’t like it? Don’t use it, you DO NOT have to use it if you don’t want to.
KyleMasc#7189 wrote:

You're missing the point. Why is there a need for damage on demand if meteor kills every normal mobs. Why would frostwall's delayed dmg matter if you're using it on tanky rates which would not die to cold snap anyway.

Seems like there's a gap in this build where meteor isn't proccing, likely due to bad support gem and talent choice

It’s actually incredible how ignorant you are and how little reading comprehension you have. Good bye and have a good day!

I comprehended perfectly. You want cold snap as a burst damage to deal with monsters that don't get AOE cleared by meteor. That means your meteor cast rate is rather poor, likely because you're not specced to maximize energy generation from cast on freeze.

This creates a highly clunky playstyle where you have to cold snap frostbolts manually as an awkward hotfix.

good god man, move on. Go make your own thread about how awesome your build is vs. constantly threadsh**ting this one. Edgelord supreme jesus...
Good morning!

Loving this build so far, I'm trying to buff my gear up a bit to finish off act 3 cruel but definitely having a difficult time freezing mobs fast enough. Is your current skillgem setup what is recommended while mapping? Do you recommend any specific jewel? I did absolutely amazing all throughout act 2 cruel and as soon as I hit act 3 it was like night and day harder, sometimes taking multiple casts until the mobs finally got frozen enough for comet to slam them which now doesn't seem to one shot whites anymore, dps on the CoF shows 3400 atm

Thanks so much for this guide, the play style is super fun and I'm excited to watch the build grow.

Is there any chance you might put this in a mobalytics with gear stat recs / gem setup etc, makes it a tiny bit easier to follow along. No worries however! Please let us know if you find any must have changes!

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