My Starter Build - Freeze/Shock Meta Monk Invoker *Updated w/ Gameplay Vids*

*Updated 12/29/24*

I just wanted to say I updated the Mobalytics Guide with more info, etc. Feel free to check it out.

Mobalytics Guide (Skill Gems, Passives, Gear, etc):
I really appreciate you taking time to make these updates. Happy Holidays!
Appreciate the effort put into this. Mobalytic link doesnt seem to work (works now solved)
Last edited by Opos61#1449 on Dec 30, 2024, 6:20:27 PM
Hi everyone & Bonne Année from France to you !

I just loved your work and thank for this time spent for us !

Actually I mess up at beginning of my game with ascendancies points and spend 2 in Grace branch (struggling about spirit at this point)
Then 2 in I am thunder

Just joined the end game and doing pretty good over T3 map (I know it’s the beginning) with lightning only damage, my old loved lvl 35 weapon and trading for maxing res (76, 70, 40).

Here is my question : should I swipe to freeze+lightning meta regardless off this ascendency mistake or lightning only is enough ?

Thank for the community work here.

Thanks so much for this build! It's been a ton of fun so far, almost finished act 2 with a monk and a chronomancer sorceress I'm using the same build with. So far it seems like the monk does more damage but the sorceress is tankier with more ES, and less mana problems. Either way, it's fun to dance up to enemy packs and explode them with ice strike, and once I get combat frenzy/charged staff online it'll get even crazier. Cheers!
This is a very fun and effective build. Currently at level 90 blasting through T15 and 16 maps (with the occasional death due to overconfidence.) Thank you!
Hi everyone & Bonne Année from France to you !

I just loved your work and thank for this time spent for us !

Actually I mess up at beginning of my game with ascendancies points and spend 2 in Grace branch (struggling about spirit at this point)
Then 2 in I am thunder

Just joined the end game and doing pretty good over T3 map (I know it’s the beginning) with lightning only damage, my old loved lvl 35 weapon and trading for maxing res (76, 70, 40).

Here is my question : should I swipe to freeze+lightning meta regardless off this ascendency mistake or lightning only is enough ?

Thank for the community work here.


Hi everyone !

I give it a try to Ice Strike and well, it change the game !

The "teleport" moveset across monster group is so satisfying, it give the chill/freeze that provide this more survivability that I was missing and the beautifull effect of Ice Strike add this winter feeling that we enjoy !

I add Herald of Ice, unlocked my 5-6th acendancy's points and put it on Sunder my ennemies...

The best point of it : incredible increase of critical hits i provoke.
Is that from some Ice Strike pure stat of the freeze/chill effect ?

Just to have some reference about stats : I'm lvl 80, around 1800 HP, 400 ES and 84% in evasion.
20k damage with Ice Strike out of map(or Charged Staff)
Any idea if I'm on the good way ?

Ty hf !
Not sure how no one has mentioned this yet but ice bite does not work on herald of ice since it explicitly says that it cannot freeze. Unless there's some interaction you're using that I don't know about, that support will need to be moved to somewhere else. I personally find that cold infusion+glacion+ice bite on charged staff freezes plenty often, even vs bosses, and barely lowers the damage.

Also, what exactly is the point of wave of frost/storm wave on this build? They both feel slow and clunky to use in an otherwise fast build, all the good supports they would want are already taken, the damage they do is negligible and not running them would free up the ring slot for a base type other than unset.

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