Upsides of Infernalist's Pyromantic Pact ascendancy node

Before the trigger gem nerfs, I ended up getting good use out of it because of the extreme mana costs of Comet triggers. It was a worse way to solve mana than mana stacking Sorcs but it functioned.

After the trigger nerf, you need Archmage to do decent damage as a caster, so Pyro Pact is super, super dead, and the gap between caster Infernalist and Stormweaver is even more massive (when the hell is Demon Form gonna get fixed ><).

However even outside of that, the design of the ability and the followups are odd. Conditionals based on how much flame you have I guess are expecting people to try and manage flame, which you can only do by stopping casting. Which is not a thing. Carefully maintaining high flame means carefully maintaining a bad character that constantly stops casting. The benefits would have to be *enormous* to be worth that, and they aren't. For a minion or dedicated party buffer I'm still not sure it's worth it.

Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Dec 13, 2024, 11:51:35 AM
I think it's strong for minion builds since you can play the minigame of maintaining high Infernal Flame for the Seething Body buff to your minions but don't really lose much from the time spent not casting since you aren't casting your main damage yourself.
Yea i agree here, it has no place in a minion build imo.

Im gluten for punishment so I'm trying to make it and demon for work. So far it's going well. I like the fact that demon for gets better as you level, so that's something. Running solar orb/fireblast and I can clear tier 15 maps with no issues
Im doing pyromaniac build with fireball+wild shards. I use Grim Feast+Cannibalism as well to have constant energy shield. The pyro damage goes to energy shield first than hp. As long as you have energy shield you should be fine. The thing I found that could be viable is using Zealot's Oath. Find items with high hp regen. I don't think you need a lot of HP because the damage is max HP and energy shield. as long as you have high Hp regen it can sustain. This goes with the Demon form as well
Last edited by PzzledPickle#4048 on Dec 13, 2024, 8:13:41 PM
what is wrong with demonform?
narcride#1201 wrote:
Level 83 Witch here with Pyromantic Pact.

In my exp the skill is completely playable it just has its place when used for the correct reason. I feel it should only be used when you are using skills that require a large amount of mana to use. I am running as solar orb/fireblast, and not only is Pyromantic Pact playable, it's required. When I am in full DPS mode I am using over 400 mana a second, I would not be able to maintain that without the skill. As far as surviving goes, you definitely have to gear/spec correctly. I have 86 fire res and regenerate 314hp a second, I can get Pyromantic Pact to trigger and hurt me every one and a half seconds and I still out heal the damage from it. I think the biggest issue is people are trying to make it work when they could maintain with mana pots and mana regen for the most part and that just isn't the play.

I am lvl 75 right now and Im playing with Eldritch battery and I can reach the 400 regen mana per sec so I strongly disagree the fact pyromantic pact is only playable with high consumption of mana.

And yeah I think its mostly for minion build and its a problem for me, cause GGG present the witch as the minion master and fire master. Right now, I can see a lot of minions build working really well (as blood mage but mostly infernalist) but not so much the fire build.
I would be happy to see how you can run T15 map with pyromantic pact, demon form and while playing fire orb and fireblast. It seems impossible for me (or with the best gear possible but in that case, you could play anything xD)
Guys, I think i sorted this out.
So i desperately wanted to go for Pyromantic Pact with Volatile Dead.
To keep it simple and straight: i use regular skills with mana cost to build up infernal flame. Then when its almost full i keep using mana-free skills from weapons: volatile dead, firebolt, living bomb etc.
Generally i build up infernal flame for Bringer of Flame and Seething Body nodes and during that boosted damage/empowered ignite window i spam VD (using sacrifice with skeletons + ~85% chance to not consume corpses).

Works very well, only downside is You need to pay attention to your flame level to not drop it below a certain threeshold and not lose its benefits).

Hope You'll find this idea of circling around with mana spenders and mana free skills any usefull.
it's good enough on things like gas arrow infernalist, you never run out of mana and the damage is very easy to mitigate
"buff grenades"

- Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades)
does anyone know how this affect life when you have chaos inoculation keystone? your max life is 1.
does anyone know how this affect life when you have chaos inoculation keystone? your max life is 1

1 life means no demon form. period.

One experiment ive seen involved cranking up "damage taken recouped as life"
this works at providing additional mitigation of the pain from infernal flame.

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