Item filters coming this next patch!!(0.1.1)(Xbox/Sony)

Bump because we all want the loot filters.
Endgame is so painful without a filter, please implement the sync option
This should be top priority. Loot filter is a game changer for Path of Exile, we cannot play endgame properly without it. Please implement it.
New day, new bump
Come on GGG at least give us some information if you are working on it...

custom loot filters are like mandatory for consoles right now: i don't even know how much currency, precursor tablets, etc i must have missed amongst all those trash bases, on top of having a terribly uneventful drop sound that you can't hear at all!
The difference between a coffee and your opinion? i asked for a coffee.
Not even a mention in the patch notes. GGG is seriously neglecting console.
+1 +1 +1

Nvidia GeForce Now user here and we are on the same boat. need filter sync/upload feature implemented. i guess it may take time for them to allocate server disk space??

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